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    【23】few & a few 一 a 之别 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:7231

    few & a few 一 a 之别


      “If you have few years of experience in managing a fine dining restaurant and possess the capability to organize and operate banquet functions, you are the person we are looking for.”


      英语里的数目词包括“many, a few, few, a large number of ”等。数量词是“much, a little, little, a great deal of”等。前者和可数复数名词连用,如例①-③;后者则和不可数名词连用,如例④-⑥:

      ① Jason has written many books.

      ② David has a few good friends.

      ③ There are a large number of people in the cinema.

      ④ How much money do you need?

      ⑤ I need only a little sugar for my coffee.

      ⑥ One can get a great deal of knowledge from reading.

      在数目词中,有“few”和“a few”两个。看似相同,其实差别甚大,一不小心,可能有错。例如:

    ⑦ The minister is leaving Singapore for few days.

    ⑧ Many students here can speak English quite fluently, but a few can write well.

      显然,⑦里的“few”和⑧里的“a few”要对换,才符合全句的意思。

      “Few”的意思是“not many”( 不多;少);反义词是“many ”。“A few”的意思是“some”(一些);反义词里“none”(没有)。例如:

      ⑨ Though Jason is not sociable, he has a few bosom friends.

      ⑩ Mary is very extroverted, but she has few intimate friends.

      11. The teacher has spotted a few grammatical errors in her essay.

      12. There are few errors in Betty's report; it is excellent.

      从上面例子看,“a few”和“few”的意思有些相似,但在句中整体的含义有差别。“A few”出现之处,“few”不适合,反之亦然。

      “Few”约等于“little”;“a few”和“a little”相近。但 “little”和“a little”只和不可数名词连用,例如:

      13. As we have little money left, we should spend carefully.

      14. There is still a little hope, so don't give up.

      13里的“little”和14里的“a little”语意分明,各得其所。如果两个对调,便牛头不对马嘴,格格不入。

      餐馆广告中的“few”对吗?是不是应该改为“a few”呢?
