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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 45 The boss's letter

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:6969



    can                      modal verb 能够

    boss                     n. 老板,上司

    minute                   n. 分(钟)

    ask                      v.请求,要求

    handwriting              n. 书写

    terrible                 adj. 糟糕的,可怕的


    minute  n. 分(钟)

    a minute/ one minute  一分钟;一会儿


    terrible  adj. 糟糕的可怕的

    adj. 可怕的;骇人的

    This is a picture of terrible new weapons.


    adj. 困难的;费劲的

    Who can accomplish this terrible task?

    adj. 极度的;非常严重的

    I’ve got a terrible headache.

    adj. 糟透的(口语);很蹩脚的

    She is terrible at maths.  她的数学很蹩脚。



    THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob?

    BOB:         Yes, sir?

    THE BOSS:  Where's Pamela?

    BOB:         She's next door.

                 She's in her office, sir.

    THE BOSS:  Can she type this letter for me? Ask her please.

    BOB:         Yes, sir.

                         Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela?

    PAMELA:      Yes, of course I can.

    BOB:         Here you are.

    PAMELA:      Thank you, Bob.


    BOB:         Yes? What's the matter?

    PAMELA:      I can't type this letter.

                         I can't read it!

                   The boss's handwriting is terrible!