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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册Lesson 39 Don't drop it!

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:10052



    front                    n. 前面

    in front of              在……之前

    careful                  adj. 小心的,仔细的

    vase [vB:z]               n. 花瓶

    drop                     v. 掉下

    flower                   n.

    front   n. 前面;adj. 前面的

    front line   前排,前线

    front page news  头版新闻


    in front of   在……前面

    in front of  在……前面(不属于同一范围)

    There is a garden in front of the building.

    The vase is in front of you.

    in the front of  在……前部(属于同一范围)

    There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.


    careful  adj. 小心的,仔细的

    care   n. 照料,照顾;v. 关心,顾虑,照顾

    take care of =look after  照顾某人

    You must take care of (look after) her.

    medical care  医疗护理

    special care  特殊护理

    skin care  皮肤护理

    hair and skin care 


    I don’t care.  我不在乎

    Who cares?  谁管他,管他呢

    careful   adj. 仔细的

    careless  adj. 粗心的

    carefully  adv 仔细的

    Lucy is a careful girl. /Lucy is careful.

    Be careful!  小心点

    Look out!  小心,当心

    Mind yourself!  小心一点儿!

    Mind your own business.  管好你自己的事。

    Watch your step!  小心滑倒


    drop   v. 掉下

    v. (失手)落下;掉下;放下

    She dropped her knife and fork and hurried to answer the phone.


    v. (使)滴下;滴水

    Tears dropped from her face.

    v. (使)下降;降低

    He dropped his voice.

    Yesterday the temperature dropped to 8 below zero.