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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 61 A bad cold

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:7347



    feel                     v. 感觉

    look                     v. 看(起来)

    must                     modal verb 必须

    call                     v. 叫,请

    doctor                   n. 医生

    telephone                n. 电话

    remember                 v. 记得,记住

    mouth                    n. open your mouth

    tongue                   n. 舌头 show me your tongue

    bad                      adj. 坏的,严重的 bad cold

    cold                     n. 感冒

    news [nju:z] [nu:z]       n. 消息  good news



    feel   v. 感觉

    v. 觉得;感到;意识到

    I could feel rain on my face.


    He’s feeling a little better today.  他今天感觉好点了。

    v. 摸,触;(客体)给人某种感觉

    He felt his pockets and then took out a small box.

    The silk feels very smooth.

    v. 认为;以为;相信

    I feel it unnecessary to do so.  我认为这样做没必要。


    feeling   n. 感情

    express one’s feeling  表达某人的情感

    hide one’s feeling   隐藏……

    hurt one’s feeling   伤害……


    look   v. 看(起来)

    look at =宾语

    look at the blackboard

    look for 寻找

    What are you looking for?

    look down on(upon)  瞧不起

    The rich always look down upon the poor.

    look out  小心

    look out of the window

    look forward to 希望,期望,渴望,,后边接名词或动词ing形式

    look into   向……里面看

    Don’t make friends with the people who dare not look into your eyes.

    look after照顾


    look 表示看的动作

    see 表示看的内容、结果

    watch 观看移动的东西

    observe 表示观察

    spot 很难分辨的东西中突然看到一点

    spotlight  聚焦

    beauty spot  风景点

    view 察看

    stare  盯着看

    glimpse  瞥到,不经意看到

    glance  匆匆地看

    notice  注意到

    witness  目击

    scan  浏览


    remember   v. 记得,记住

    v. 记得;回忆

    I remember he used to dress in a blue suit.


    v. 记住;牢记;不忘记

    I tried hard to remember the long passage of Shakespeare.


    Remember your appointment with the dentist.  别忘了你和牙医的预约。


    tongue    n. 舌头

    show me your tongue

    tongue twister [5twistE] n. 绕口令

    mother tongue  母语

    have a dirty tongue   爱说脏话

    have a bitter tongue  尖酸刻薄


    If you want your eyes beautiful, you should always see something good of others.

    If you want your lips sexy, you should always say something good of others.

    If you want to keep a good figure, you should always share the food with others.