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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 69 The car race

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:6730



    year                     n.

    race                     n. 比赛 (强调竞技性强、激烈的)

    town                     n. 城填

    crowd                    n. 人群

    stand                    v. 站立

    exciting                 adj. 使人激动的

    just                     adv. 正好,恰好

    finish                   n. 结尾,结束

    winner                   n. 获胜者

    behind                   prep.在……之后

    way                      n. 路途(抽象)



    race   n. 比赛

    car race    车赛

    in the race  在比赛中

    at the race  在赛场上 


    crowd    n. 人群

    in the crowd:在人群中

    You can see us in the crowd.

    crowd   v.挤上去

    crowd into  拥护,挤进……

    get on the bus  上公共汽车

    crowd into the bus  挤公共汽车

    I get up at 7 o'clock every morning. Then I crowd into the bus.

    crowded   adj.拥挤的


    Well, my life is just terrible. Every day I have to get up very early and go to work. And I work in an office. Well, I am very busy everyday. My boss is very cruel to me. I have to work very long every day and I don’t have too much money to take a taxi or buy a car. So every day I have to stand in the crowd for a long time and I have to wait for the bus and when the bus comes, and everyone tries to crowd into the bus, and it is very crowded in the bus. Well, yesterday morning I got up very late and I rushed to the bus stop, it was very crowded there too and I was standing in the crowd. When the bus came and I crowed into the bus again. Of course it was very crowded too. I had to stand in the crowd. Well, that is my terrible life.