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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 71 He's awful!

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:3134



    awful                    adj. 让人讨厌的,坏的

    telephone                v. & n. 打电话;电话

    time                     n. 次(数)

    answer                   v. 接(电话)

    last                     adj. 最后的,前一次的

    phone                    n. 电话(=telephone

    again                    dv. 又一次地

    say (said)               v.


    awful   adj. 让人讨厌的,坏的

    awfully  adv. 非常(在表示负面的情景中,可用awfully代替very

    I am awfully(very) sorry.


    time   n. 次(数)


    oncetwicethree times

    on time  按时,准时

    in time  及时

    all the time  一直

    I’ve been waiting here all the time.

    once upon a time   很久很久以前

    cheat the time  打发时间

    We are cheating the time by playing cards.

    watch one’s time  等待时机

    I’m watching my time.

    of the time  当时

    make time   腾出时间

    Time will tell.   时间会证明一切。

    Time and tide wait for no man.   岁月不等人。

    Time heals all wounds.   时间会治愈所有的创伤。


    answer   v. 接(电话)

    v. 对……作出反应;响应

    answer the phone/telephone  接电话

    answer the door/doorbell  应声开门

    Mary took a few minutes to answer the door.


    v. 回答;答复

    answer a letter  回信

    I don’t think you’ve answered my question.


    n. 答案;解决办法;答复

    I wrote him several letters but couldn’t get an answer.


    Do you know the answer to Question 10?

    This is one of the possible answers to today’s environmental problems.
