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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 73 The way to King Street

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:9433



    week                     n.

    London                   n. 伦敦

    suddenly                 adv. 突然地

    bus stop                 公共汽车站

    smile                    v. 微笑

    pleasantly               adv. 愉快地

    understand (understood) v. 明白

    speak (spoke)            v. 讲,说(说话的动作;讲某种语言)

    hand                     n.

    pocket                   n. 衣袋

    phrasebook               n. 短语手册,常用语手册

    phrase                   n. 短语

    slowly                   adv. 缓慢地


    week   n.

    this week, last week前面不能加介词

    the week before last   上上周

    the week after next  下下周


    understand (understood)   v. 明白

    v. 理解;懂

    I don’t understand what you mean.

    v. 明了;了解;得知

    Only today have I begun to understand the political situation in Northern Ireland.


    How the machine works is still not fully understood.


    hand   n.

    finger  手指


    index finger/forefinger:食指

    middle finger:中指

    ring finger:无名指

    little finger:小指


    raise your hand:举手

    wave (one's) hand:挥手

    give sb. a (big) hand:(热烈的)给某人鼓掌;帮助某人,帮帮我

    read one's hand:看手相

    on the other hand:另一方面

    have over  支出

    hand in/out  上交作业,发作业

    Ask the monitor to hand out the homework.

    This is your homework for today, you must hand in your homework.


    phrasebook   n. 短语手册常用语手册

    Put your hand into your pocket. Take out your phrasebook.