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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:3181



    ago                      adv. 以前

    buy(bough)               v.

    pair                     n. 双,对

    fashion                  n. (服装的)流行式样

    uncomfortable            adj. 不舒服的

    wear(wore)               v. 穿着


    ago   adv. 以前

    ago  用于一般过去时;从现在的以前

    I went to London three days ago.

    She left 30 minutes ago.

    Long long ago, there lived a king.

    before  只能用于过去完成式;是从过去的某一点算起

    Before I arrived at the station yesterday, the train had already left.


    buy  v.


    I buy a new book every week.

    My sister buys a new dress every week.

    I bought a coat in Paris last month.


    retail 零售

    purchase 正式的购买,大宗购物

    market n. 市场,v. 销售

    marketing manager 市场经理、销售经理

    get  得到(口语)


    fashion   n. (服装的)流行式样

    fashionable  时尚

    be in fashion  是流行的

    They are not in fashion this year.

    be out of fashion  不流行

    smart  巧妙,时髦


    uncomfortable  adj. 不舒服的

    adj. 不舒服的

    She feels uncomfortable in tight boots.

    adj. 不安的;不自在的

    You’ll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone.

    He often feels uncomfortable with strangers.

    adj. 令人不舒服的,不舒适的

    This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable.


    comfort 安慰舒适

    comfortable   adj. 舒服的、舒适的


    wear  v. 穿着


    I wear the same coats every day.

    He wears a tie every day.

    The lady is wearing a beautiful dress.

    v. 穿着;戴着;佩带着

    Look at the beautiful silk scarf she’s wearing!

    She never wears perfume.   她从不用香水。

    v. 面带;呈现;保持

    He’s wearing a cheerful smile.

    He wears his dignity even in great adversity.



    wear 表穿着的状态

      That girl wears a pink shirt every day.

    put on 表穿上的动作

    Please put on your coat.

    be dressed in   穿着……衣服,侧重打扮的意味

    dress sb.  给某人打扮,穿衣服

    My mother must dress my brother every day.

    The lady was dressed in a funny coat and a large hat at the party last night.

    in+ 颜色  穿……颜色的衣服

    a girl in white

    have…on 表状态

    The emperor has nothing on.