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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 97 A small blue case

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:7456



    leave (left, left)       v. 遗留

    describe                 v. 描述

    zip                      n. 拉链

    label                    n. 标签

    handle                   n. 提手,把手

    address                  n. 地址

    pence                    n. 便士(penny 的复数形式)

    belong                   v. 属于



    describe   v. 描述

    v. 描述;形容

    describe  根据客观事实描述

    She described the woman to the police.

    He described the whole event in detail.

    portray  生动地描述人或情景

    v. 把……说成;把……称为(as

    They describe him as ambitious.  他们把他称为雄心勃勃的人。


    address   n. 地址

    address n. 地址;演讲(精心准备过的,正式的)




    belong   v. 属于


    That pen belongs to him.

    belong to (不能用于进行时态)

    This book belongs to me. = This book is mine.

    This book doesn't belong to me.

    Does this book belong to you?

    v. 是……的成员

    Do you belong to the golf club?

    Which party does he belong to?   他是哪个党的党员?


    We belong to the same generation.   我们属于同代人。

    The novel really belongs to the 19th century.
