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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 103 The French test

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:9077



    exam                     n. 考试

    pass                     v. 及格,通过

    mathematics              n. maths是缩写)数学

    question                 n. (具体的某一个)问题

    easy                     adj. 容易的

    enough                   adv. 足够的

    paper                    n. 考卷

    fail                     v. 未及格,失败

    answer                   v. 问答

    mark                     n. 分数

    rest                     n. 其他的东西

    difficult                adj. 困难的

    hate                     v. 讨厌

    low                      adj. 低的

    cheer                    v. 振作,振奋

    guy                      n. 家伙,人

    top                      n. 上方,顶部


    exam   n. 考试

    exam/examination (综合性的)考试

    midterm exam 期中考试

    final exam 期末考试

    sham exam 模拟考试

    entrance examination 入学考试

    test (单项技能的)考试

    quiz (临时性的)小测验


    pass   v. 及格,通过

    pass the exam  通过考试

    I think I passed the exam.

    pass in  + 具体的某一科要通过

    She thinks she passed in English.


    question   n. (具体的某一个)问题


    issue 国际争端,分歧

    question v. 审讯,质问;n.(具体的一个)问题

    The policeman is questioning the thief


    fail   v. 未及格,失败;n. 失败

    v. 失败;及格

    Doctors failed to save the old man’s life.

    He failed his French paper because it was too difficult.


    My eyesight is failing.

    The flowers failed for lack of sunshine.  花因缺少阳光而凋谢。


    fail to do something   未能做什么事情

    I failed to save the boy from the river.

    I fail to see why you find it so extraordinary.


    He failed to persuade me.  他没能说服我。


    answer   v. 问答(普通用词)

    reply   书面用语

    repond   正式文体


    hate   v. 讨厌

    v. 讨厌;不喜欢;有反感

    I hate beef.

    hate to do sth.  一次性的行为

    I hate to go out this afternoon.

    hate doing sth.  不喜欢做……

    I hate playing football with him.

    v. 憎恨;憎恶

    He said that he hated hypocrisy.   他说他憎恶虚伪。