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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 105 Full of mistakes

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:8825



    spell                    v. 拼写 (spelt, spelt)

    intelligent              adj. 聪明的,有智慧的

    mistake                  n. 错误

    present                  n. 礼物

    dictionary               n. 词典


    spell   v. 拼写 (spelt, spelt)

    Can you spell your name?

    I want you to spell your name.

    How to spell the word?


    mistake   n. 错误

    mistake 比较一般的错误,认识不足,理解不对

    make a mistake

    I often make a mistake in the exam.

    She always makes some mistakes in the homework.

    error 没有按照既定的程序、规定犯的错误

    fault 侧重于责任

    It's my fault.


    present   n.(小)礼物

    humble present 区区薄礼

    at present 目前

    gift 礼物(比较贵重)