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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 119 A true story

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:6448



    story                    n. 故事

    happen                   v. 发生

    thief                    n.

    enter                    v. 进入

    dark                     adj. 黑暗的

    torch                    n. 手电筒

    voice                    n. (说话的)声音

    parrot                   n. 鹦鹉


    story   n. 故事(两个清辅音连在一起时,第二个音要浊化)

    story 一般性的故事,可以真实的也可以是虚构的,完整的故事

      make up a story  偏造一个故事

      makeup   化妆品

    fable 寓言故事

    legend 传奇故事

    tale 神州故事,童话


    happen   v. 发生

    v. 发生

    What happened?

    What’s happening?

    It happen to sb.  发生在……身上

    It happened to a friend of mine last year.

    A strange thing happened to a friend of mine a year ago.

    How did the accident happen?

    v. 碰巧恰好to

    +happen to do sth.   碰巧

    I happen to know that professor.

    I happened to meet her on my way home.


    enter   v. 进入

    v. 进入;穿入

    The bullet entered his heart.  子弹射入了他的必脏。

    v. 参加;加入

    Four students from our university entered the final contest.


    He entered politics when he was 27.  他在27岁时步入了政界。


    dark   adj. 黑暗的

    in the dark  黑暗中,秘密的,特别无助


    voice   n. (说话的)声音

    voice 嗓音,人发出的声音

    sound 声音

    the sound of music 音乐之声

    noise 噪音