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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 137 A pleasant dream

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:5955



    football                 n.   足球

    pool                     n.   赌注

    win (won, won)           v.  

    world                    n.   世界

    poor                     adj. 贫穷的

    depend                   v. 依靠(on


    football   n.足球;(美)橄榄球

    soccer  (美)足球

    do the football pool  做足球赌注


    world   n.   世界

    in the world  在世界上

    worldwide  全世纪范围的

    see the world  看世界

    I want to see the world.

    travel round the world   周游世界


    depend   v. 依靠(on

    v. 视……而定;取决于

    When are you coming back?

    Well, it depends.  哦,看情况吧。

    It depends on whether they win or not.  这取决于他们是否能能赢。

    v. 依靠;依赖

    The country depends heavily on its export of farming products.


    They depended on us for help.  他们依靠的是我们的帮助。

    v. 信赖;相信

    We can depend on the accuracy of the test. 


    You can depend on Johnhe is an honest man.


    win (won, won)  v.

    v. 赢(如比赛或奖项);获胜

    Which team won?

    He felt very excited to have won the gold medal. 



    Do you think he will win the election? 


    He had been applying for a scholarship and he won at last.
