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    自学导读-新概念英语第一册 Lesson 143 A walk through the woods

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:10307



    surround                 v.   包围

    wood                     n.   树林

    beauty spot              风景点

    hundred                  n.  

    city                     n.   城市

    through                  prep.穿过

    visitor                  n.   参观者,游客,来访者

    tidy                     adj. 整齐的

    litter                   n.   杂乱的东西

    litter basket            废物筐

    place                    v.  

    throw( threw; thrown)    v.   扔,抛

    rubbish                  n.   垃圾

    count                    v.   数,点

    cover                    v.   覆盖

    piece                    n.   碎片

    tyre                     n.   轮胎

    rusty                    adj. 生锈的

    among                    prep.在……之间

    prosecute                依法处置


    surround   v.包围;围绕

    The beautiful white house is surrounded by green trees.

    That old professor loved to surround himself with young people.


    When I went into the room, I saw Tim sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes.



    place  v.  


    He placed the record back to the shelf.  他把唱片放回到架子上。

    Their request placed me in a difficult position. 


    v. 任命;安置

    The company has placed him with a branch office in Tokyo.


    There is no better way to place the homeless children.



    prosecute   依法处置

    v. 起诉,检举;依法处置

    Trespassers will be prosecuted.  闲人莫入,违者法办。

    They prosecuted him for shoplifting.  他们起诉他扒窃商店货物。


    We are going to prosecute the investigation further.  我们将进一步彻底进行调查。