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    自学导读-新概念英语第二册 Lesson 14 Do you speak English?

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:9137


    New words and expressions7

    amusing          adj. 好笑的,有趣的

    experience       n. 经历

    wave             v. 招手

    lift             n. 搭便车

    reply            v. 回答

    language         n. 语言

    journey          n. 旅行

    amusing     adj. 好笑的, 有趣的

    The story is amusing. (好笑的)

    amused     adj. 感到好笑的(要笑出声)

    I am amused.

    amuse    v. 使发笑,使愉快

    The story amused me.

    funny  adj. 好笑的(不一定要笑出声可以指贬义),开心的,令人开心的

    interesting / funny story

    experience     n. 经历(可数);经验(不可数)

    ① n. 经历(可数)

    He has a lot of experiences.   (经历,可数名词)

    ② n. 经验,体验(不可数)

    They want someone with a lot of experience for this job.  (经验,不可数名词)

      Does she have any experience in teaching?

    ③ vt. 经验,体验

    Have you ever experienced anything like this?

    The village has experienced great changes since 1980.

    experienced      adj. 有经验的,经验丰富的

    He is an experienced doctor.

    wave     v. 招手

    wave to sb.   向某人招手

    lift     n. 搭便车

    take a bus/taxi/lift   乘公共汽车/乘出租汽车/搭便车

    B wants to take a lift.   某人想搭便车

    I want to take a lift.

    A give B a lift.   让某人搭便车

    The student gave me a lift.

    thumb lift    拇指便车(向过路车辆竖起拇指表示要求免费搭车)

    reply      v. 回答


    作为不及物动词是一样的 :

    He answered/replied.

    作为及物动词就不一样了 :

    answer sth.

    answer the letter     回信

    reply to sth.

    I will reply to the letter.    回信

    language     n. 语言

    native language    母语

    The native language is Chinese.

    mother tongue    母语(口语中用)

    My mother tongue is Chinese. 

    journey     n. 旅行

    journey     n. 所有的旅行,偏重于陆地旅行

    go on a journey

    2 hours' journey3 days' journey(三天路程)

    trip    n. 短距离旅行或出差(时间或距离上较短)

    go on a trip = go on business

    travel   n. 周游(长途旅行)

    tour     n. 游玩(为了玩)

    tourist   n. 游客

    voyage    n. 旅行(海上)

    flight    n. 空中飞行