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    自学导读-新概念英语第二册 Lesson 17 Always young

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:9804


    New words and expressions5

    appear           v. 登场,扮演

    stage            n. 舞台

    bright           adj. 鲜艳的

    stocking         n. (女用)长筒袜(棉的, 绒的, 并不是现在的丝袜)

    sock             n. 短袜 

    appear    v. 登场, 扮演

    ① vi. 出现,显露(反义词是disappear

    The plane appeared.

    The plane disappeared.

    ② vi. 当众露面;登场(演出等)

    The actor appeared.

    I can’t appear in this dress at the party.

    appear as     扮演……角色

    He appeared as a prince.   (prince    n. 王子)

    appear on the stage as…    (扮演的确切表达)

    My aunt appeared on the stage as a young girl.

    ③ vi. 似乎,看起来好象(与seem同义),显得(系动词,后面直接加形容词)

    He appears nervous.    他显得很紧张(看起来)

      She appears to know you.

      Now it appears you are wrong. 

    stage     n. 舞台

    on the stage    在舞台上

    in the stage    在某一阶段(时期)

    bright     adj. 鲜艳的

    bright red    鲜红色; 

    bright yellow   明黄色;

    bright blue   宝蓝色