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    自学导读-新概念英语第二册 Lesson 30 Football or polo?

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:9144


    New words and expressions8

    polo             n. 水球

    Wayle            n. 威尔(河名)

    cut              v. 穿过

    row              v. 划(船)

    kick             v.

    towards          prep. 朝,向

    nearly           adv. 几乎

    sight            n. 眼界,视域

    cut     v. 穿过

    ① vt. &vi. 切,割,剪

    Would you please cut the cake in half?

    I read this story in the paper this morning and cut it out for you.


    cut one's hair = have a hair cut     理发

    cut the tree   砍树

    cut down the tree = cut the tree down    砍倒树

    cut the head off    砍脑袋 (off = away from)

    cut off electricity     切断电源

    cut sth. into pieces     把……切成小片()

    ② vt. 割破,划破

    cut oneself     割伤自己

    ③ vi. 横穿,穿越(介词用across/through

    cut across/through     直着穿过

      The road cuts across/through the forest.

    cut a corner     走捷径,超近路

    When you learn English, never cut a corner.

    No pains, no gains.

     row     v. ()

    ① vt.& vi. 划船

    My brother is rowing.    划船 (row强调动作)

    go boating    去划船(强调玩)

    ② vt. 划船载运

    Can you row me up/across the river?     你能划船将我送到河的上游/对岸吗?

    He rowed her home.    他划船把她送回家。

    kick     v.

    kick me     踢我一脚

    kickback    n. 回扣, 佣金

    I get a kickback of 2000 Yuan.

    kick upstairs     明升暗降

    He was kicked upstairs.

    well to go (美语) = well done (英语)   做得不错 

    sight     n. 眼界, 视域

    catch sight of…     看见

    catch sight of the bird =see the bird  看见那只鸟

    out of sight    在视线之外

    Out of sight, out of mind.      眼不见心不烦

    in sight     在视线之内

    The bird is in sight.

    long sighted     眼光长远, 远视眼

    sb. is long sighted

    short sighted    目光短浅, 近视