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    自学导读-新概念英语第二册 Lesson 39 Am I all right?

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:1660


    New words and expressions10

    operation        n. 手术

    successful       adj. 成功的

    following        adj. 下一个

    patient          n. 病人

    alone            adj. 独自的

    exchange         n. (电话的)交换台

    inquire          v. 询问,打听

    certain          adj. 某个

    caller           n. 打电话的人

    relative         n. 亲戚

    following      adj. 下一个

    the next day, the following day       第二天

    the next week, the following week     第二个星期

    alone    adj. 独自的

    alone 强调人孤单一个

    ‘home alone’ -- 《独自在家》

    Leave me alone.     我烦着呢, 别理我

    Leave him alone.    让他一个人呆会儿

    exchange [iks5tFeindV]      n. (电话的)交换局

    ① vt. 换,更换,调换(指同类事物之间)

    I want to exchange the red skirt for a blue one.

    ② vt. 交换,互换

    I met Frank at a bus stop this afternoon and we exchanged a few words.

    Did you exchange gifts after the party?

    ③ n. 电话交换台

    He telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington.

    inquire      v. 询问, 打听

    ① vt. &vi. 打听,询问

    A Mr. Wang inquired your telephone number.  一位王先生打听您的电话号码。

    inquire sth. of sb.   从某人那打听

    insquire about sth.     打听某事

    He wanted to inquire about a certain patient.

    ② vi. 调查,查问

    He didn’t tell the truth when the police inquired into the accident.

    ③ vi. 求见(某人),要找(某人)

    She inquired for the manager.     她想见经理。 

    certain      adj. 某个


    某一个a certain +n.(单数)

    a certain patient = some patient   某个病人

    某两个two certain + n.(复数)

    two certain patient


    for some reason   由于某个理由