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词语趣谈之由人名而来的词 作者:abscottlee 阅读次数:3913
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Oscar, one of several gold statuettes awarded annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the USA for outstanding achievements in the cinema. The trophies, first awarded in 1929, were not called Oscars until1931, when, so it is said, the Academy's librarian, Margaret Herrick, remarked that the statuettes reminded her of her uncle Oscar. A newspaper reporter who happened to be listening passed this fact on to his readers, and so , the story goes, the word came into the language.
Pulitzer prizes, awarded annually for outstanding achievements in journalism, literature, and music. Named after Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), the Hungarian-born US newspaper publisher, the prizes were established by Pulitzer's will.
普利策奖一年一度颁发给在新闻、文学和音乐领域有突出业绩的人士。该奖以匈牙利裔美国报纸出版商的瑟夫.普利策(1847-1911)的名字命名,是根据他的遗愿而设立的。 | | | |
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