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    【176】以名词“Point”为中心的惯用语(完) - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:2395



      (1)Beside the point:与所讨论的问题无关。

      “We are now discussing the staff development, so your question about international relationships is beside the point.”

      (2)On the point of...:就要做...

      “Yesterday, when I was on the point of going out, an old friend came to see me.”

      (3)A case in point: 一个恰当的例子。

      “Not many people would like to invest in the same enterprise. Mr Brown is a case in point; he has different businesses.”

      (4)Get to the point:谈到问题要点。

      “All the jokes are interesting, but isn't it time to get to the point?”

      (5)Get/take someone's point:了解某人的意思。

      “What did you say just now? I didn't quite get your point.”

      (6)Get/Wander off the point:离开主题。

      “James spoke quite well at first, but later, he wandered off the point.”

      (7)Have a point: 有可取之处。

      Globalisation? You have a point there. From now on, we have to focus on human relationships.”

      (8)Make one's point:表达了意思。

      “David, you have made your point well. How about Shirley? Can you tell us what you think about her?”

      (9)Make a point of...:确定要...

      “I often make a point of completing the day's work without undue procrastination.”

      (10)Reach the point of no return:不可走回头路;不可反悔。

      “The TV company has offered Lisa an unconditional 5-year contract. It has reached the point of no return and cannot change its decision.”

      (11)A sore point with...:令人讨厌的事。

      “Sally's boy friend, Samuel, went to dinner without inviting her. This is a sore point with her and whenever she thinks of this, she becomes unhappy.”

      (12)The sticking point:(谈判、讨论时)不易达致协议之点。

      “How the boundary is to be drawn seems to be the sticking point in the peace talk between the two neighbouring countries.”

      (13)That's the (whole)point:那就是问题的惩结了。

      “- If I cancel the trip, will the deposit be forfeited? -yes! That's the whole point; no one can cancel the trip at short notice.”

      (14)Stretch a point:破例作出让步。

      “When it came to special allowance, the manager stretched a point in Jason's favour.”

      (15)The/A vantage point:优越的地位。

      From the vantage point on the raised platform, one can see the military parade very clearly./why don't you stand on a vantage point to have a far-sighted view?(站得高,看得远。)
