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    【175】挥之不去的错误 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:4569




      (一)“I am interested to attend the seminar and be able to enjoy the benefits.”

      这句的连词“and”连接两个并列句“I am interested.....seminar”和“I am able to.....”第二句的主语和动词和第一句一样,可以省略为“.....and (am) able to.....”这里的动词“am”也是可有可无,但改用“be”,就是动词形式不对了。此外,“interested”多和“in”连用,因此也可改成“I am interested in attending the seminar.....

      (二)“We are looking forward to hear from you soon.”

      这句的语意没有问题:“我们盼望你尽速来信。”问题是“to”这个字,这里把它当作不定式动词(infinitive)中的“to”,如“to come, to read, to sing”等。但是这句里的“to”是片语动词 (phrasal verb)“look forward to”的一部分,是介词(preposition),后头要有宾语(object),可当宾语的是名词(Noun)、代词(Pronoun)、动名词(Gerund: v...ling)等。这句里用“hear”,动词形式不对,要改为“hearing”(动名词)。不然,句子就要改写为:“I am looking forward to your response (reply) soon / your early response (reply).”

      (三)“Beside the mortgage planning, I also want to find out how I can benefit from the other scheme.”



      (1)John is sitting   his teacher.

      (2)What other languages do you speak  


      (3)  teaching, Jason writes a lot.

      (4)  your wonderful achievements, my performance counts for nothing.


      (四)“We could provide loan package that cater to your needs.”

      这句复杂句的意思明白易解,可惜的是形容词从句中的动词“cater to”和先行词“loan package”的数不搭配。由于这先行词是单数的名词,修饰它的形容词从句的动词也要单数的“caters to”才对。如果是复数,动词也要复数(没有“s”):“We could provide loan package and other services that cater to your needs.”

      (五)“Please let us have your response at your earlier convenient.”

      这个惯用法的位置好,但成分不准确,应该是:at your earliest convenience(尽早)。

      这个用法有些过时,改用“as soon as possible”好了。

      (答案:(1)beside (2)besides (3)Besides (4)Beside.)
