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    【162】As的各种用途 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:3527




      (1) As the new manager of the company, Wilcox assured the staff that he would work for the benefits of the company.

      (2) The scenery here is beautiful as a picture.


      (3) You have performed well. Other students' performance is as good.


      (4) The friendship between us is as strong as a rock.

      (5) Can our runners run as fast as they used to?


      (6) As the new teacher entered the classroom, the pupils clapped their hands.

      (7) Alex caught sight of Nancy as she was getting on the bus.


      (8) You may act as you think fit.

      (9) It is safer for you to do as you are told.


      (10) It is safer for you to do as told.

      (11) The meeting will be held as (it has been) scheduled.

      (12) The weather here is not mild as (it is) in your country.


      (13) As the weather is fine, let's go fishing.

      (14) We helped Tony, as he was a good man.


      (15) Improbable as it seems, he is now Managing Director.

      (16) Young as Sam is, he has performed his task creditably.


      (17) Is this the same thing as you showed me before?

      (18) You can visit such places as you want to.

      注意,”as”之前有”the same”或”such”和它挂钩。


      (19) So as to: They departed early so as to reach the airport early.

      (20) We have touched on the basic issues. As for thorny problems, let's look into them later.

      (21) As long as you work hard, you will make it.

      (22) I'll help you as best I can.

      (23) Maria's idea is not so much a solution as a proposal to sound out our views on the project.
