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    【106】由put引导的动词短语 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:10225



    ● put in an appearance:露脸
      “As is often the case, the director will put in an appearance in every office and then leave.”

    ● put... in the picture:把近况告诉……
      “What new machines have been acquired? The manager wants the purchasing officer to put him in the picture.”

    ● put... in the shade:使……逊色
      “The three winning essays have put all the others in the shade.”

    ● put... on the map:让……出名
      “Some popular new products put the manufacturers on the map.”

    ● put... off the scent:误导……
      “The suspect managed to put the police off the scent by directing them to a wrong place.”

    ● put on airs:摆架子
      “I avoid talking to those who are arrogant and putting on airs too much.”

    ● put... on his guard:劝……当心
      “Rumours that the company will lay off staff put some on the guard.”

    ● put... on a pedestal:把……当偶像崇拜
      “Many students put their knowledgeable teachers on a pedestal by accepting their ideas without question.”

    ● put out feelers:放出触角
      “The two political parties seem to be interested in a compromise, so they have started putting out feelers.”

    ● put a spoke in someone's wheel:妨碍某人的计划
      “The research grant has been approved and should come to us soon unless someone puts a spoke in our wheel.”

    ● put one's money on...:对……有把握
      “The ruling party will win the general election again. I can put my money on it.”

    ● put "paid" to...:结束……;毁掉
      “A sudden serious illness put 'paid' to Michael's chances of taking part in the long-distance race.”

    ● put the lid on...:禁止……
      “There have been reports about information insecurity. The police are determined to do something to put the lid on any further leakage of confidential news.”

    ● put one's thinking cap on...:动脑筋想
      “This is a thorny issue, which requires your putting your thinking cap on.”

    ● put one through one's paces:考验某人的本领
      “The purpose of having a series of seminars is to put the participants through their paces.”

    ● put... through the mill:使……经历磨练
      “At the interview, the interviewers asked difficult questions with a view to putting every interviewee through the mill.”

    ● put someone's name forward:正式提某人的名
      “Many members put Joe's name forward to serve on the Town Council.”

    ● put it down to experience:从经验中学习
      “Everyone has a bitter taste of failure; never mind! Put it down to experiene.”

    ● put... behind...:尝试把……忘掉
      “Our national team should put last night's defeat behind it and concentrate on the coming match.”

    ● to put it bluntly:不客气地说

      “To put it bluntly, the man you recommended is just not good enough for the job.”
