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    【70】英语惯用语的活用 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:6303





    ● pull a long face(愁眉苦脸)→pull an unhappy face, 如:
    “The football coach pulled an unhappy face when his team was defeated.”

    ● a stitch in time saves nine(及时补救)→a word in time saves nine, 如:
    “The two were going to quarrel, but their friend cut in to appease them. A word in time saves nine.”

      ⒉惯用语组成部分分开,例如: ● get an upper hand(占上风)→“In a debate competition, a quick-witted debater can get an upper cut, if not the upper hand.” ● cannot see the wood for the trees(见树不见林)→“He sees too many trees, but not the whole wood.”

      ⒊惯用语组成部分的扩充,例如: ● put into practice (实行)→put into widespread practice, 如:
    “David's proposal was well accepted, but no real effort was made to put it into widespread practice.”

    ● keep company (结交朋友)→keep disreputable company, 如:
    “His business son often dines out and keeps disreputable company.”

    ● come of age(成年)→come of college age, 如:
    “Even his youngest son has now come of college age.”


    ● every cloud has a silver lining(一线希望)→silver lining

    ● make a mountain out of molehills(小题大作)→mountains of molehills


    ● call someone names(谩骂某人 )→name-calling:“You won't command respect if you enjoy name-calling.”

    ● Bury one's head in the sand(对面临的危险闭目不见)→ head-in-sand:“Don't be so foolish as to adopt a head-in-sand attitude.”

    ● live and let live (自己活,也让别人活)→a live-and-let-live policy:“All the countries in the world should adopt a live-and-let-live policy.”

    ● A dog in the manger(占着茅坑不拉屎的人)→a dog-in-the-manger attitude: “As it is wrong to have a dog-in-the-manager attitude, you had better give what you don't want to others instead of holding on to it.”

