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    【64】容易混淆的形容词和副词 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:7552


      形容词用来修饰名词;副词用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子。可是,有时形容词和副词容易混淆。例如“A fast train reached the destination fast”中的第一个“fast”是形容词,第二个就是副词。此外,有些词既能是形容词,也能是副词,有些词义不变,另些词义不同;有些形容词加上后缀“-ly”构成的副词和原来的形容词意思相近,但有一些意义则相差甚远;更有些形容词,除自己本身能兼而充当副词之外,又可以再加上后缀“-ly”构成派生副词,若不小心,容易引起混淆。



      ①a. Joelle is a pretty child.(形容词)
       b. Tom will be back pretty soon.(副词)

      ②a. The old man has been ill for some time.(形容词)
       b. Don't speak ill of others.(副词)


      ③a. What a deep ocean it is !(深的)
       b. The boy dug deep into the ground.(深)

      ④a. Look at the high mountain!(高的)
       b. Birds fly high in the sky.(高)


      ⑤a. Hold it tight, please!
       b. Hold it tightly, please!

      ⑥a. Please read slower.
       b. Please read more slowly.

      ⑦a. John came late yesterday.(迟)
       b. John has been working hard lately.(最近)

      ⑧a. Jason works hard.(努力地)
       b. Susan hardly works.(几乎不)


      ⑨a. Hard labour(苦工)
       b. Hard times(艰难时代)

      ⑩a. The baby is fast asleep.(睡得熟)
       b. Run fast, please!( 请快跑)
       c. Hold the rope fast!(紧握绳索)


      11a. The child is sleepy.(昏昏欲睡)
       b. The child is still asleep.(还在睡眠中)
       c. Why are you looking at the sleeping child?(睡着的)

      12a. Diana feels lonely/ lonesome in the big house.(感到寂寞)
       b. Mary was alone in the office last night.(独自)

      13a. Irene was awake the whole night last night.(整夜未眠)
       b. Tom had a wakeful night last night.(整夜未眠)
       c. What did you do during your waking hours last night?(醒着的时刻)

       (a)和(b)意思相近,但(a)的 awake 只能作补足语;(b)的 wakeful 则没有这个局限。(c)里的 waking 现在分词和(a)及(b)的两个形容词也似同非同,不易随意取代。
