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    【49】条件句和让步句如何表达 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:6889






      ① If you go out in the rain, you will get wet.

      ② Unless a person tries hard, he won't succeed.

      ③ In case I forget about the meeting, please remind me.

      ④ He will be allowed to do it on condition that he abides by all the rules and regulations.


      ⑤ Should it rain tomorrow/ If it should rain tomorrow, I shall not go out.

      ⑥ Had you worked harder/ If you had worked harder, you would have made it.

      ㈡由复合介词“in case of/ in the event of”引导的条件副词词组表达,如:

      ⑦ In case of fire, call the fire brigade.

      ⑧ In the event of an emergency, call up the police.

      ㈢由连词“supposing/ provided”引荐的分句表达,如:

      ⑨ Supposing (that) the matter was true, what would you say ?

      ⑩ I will lend you my car provided (that) you take good care of it.

      ㈣由“but for/ but that”引荐的词组或分句表达,如:

      ● But for your timely help, we would have been in hot water.

      ● But that Tom is sick, he would be here today.


      ● Work hard and you will succeed.



      ● Although he is rich, he is not happy.

      ● Though Jim is learned, he lacks experience.


      ● However hard you may try, you will not get the job.

      ● We will have to finish the job, however long it takes.

      ⑶ 由代名词“whatever/ whoever”等表达,如:

      ● Some students refused to work whatever the teacher might say.

      ● She won't care whoever he is.

      ⑷由介词“despite”或复合介词“in spite of”引荐的让步副词词组表达,如:

      ● Despite being tired, some students went on studying until late at night.

      ● In spite of illness, David came to work.

      ⑸通过“no matter how/ no matter what”所构成的分句表达,如:

      ● No matter how cold it is, Helen always goes swimming.

      ● No matter what they did, their boss was not pleased.
