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【8】 - 单词日记 作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:6002
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8. dogged
Definition: adj. Actions or behavior show that you are very determined to continue doing something, even though it is difficult or takes a long time, and refuse to let others prevent you.
Example: She was not very clever, but by dogged effort she learnt a good deal at school. 定义: 她并不是非常聪明,但由于不懈的努力她在学校里学到很多东西。
说到顽强或坚韧不拔,国内恐怕很少会有人把这种精神或行为和狗联系起来,但如果你看过影片《莱西回家了》,你可能就会明白英语中为什么会用dogged这个词来表达顽强的、坚韧不拔的意思,因为这部影片所讲述的就是一条名为莱西的狗怎样跋山涉水地从苏格兰回到远在英格兰的小主人身边这么一个真实的故事。另外,dogged这个词可以用来强调修饰determination, persistence 等名词,如:Everyone admired his dogged determination to teach himself to read.
关键字:单词日记 | | | |
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