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    【6】 - 单词日记

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:8687

    [ 新窗口浏览 MediaPlayer 文件 或是右键“目标另存为”下载]


    Definition: vi.& vt. [formal] to stop doing something or stop happening

    定义: 停止;结束

    1.cease from
    2. cease doing something
    3. cease to do something
    4. cease something

    Examples 例句:  
    1. He ceased from thinking of the question this way. 他不再以这种方式考虑问题。
    2. The old man ceased breathing (to breathe) the night before . 老人前一天晚上停止了呼吸。
    3. The newspaper has ceased publication. 报纸已停刊。

    Cease多用于书面语,比较而言stop更常用些。Cease也可以作名词,但只用于短语“without cease”指“不停地”,比如:We worked without cease to get the project finished on time. (我们不停地生产以便按时完成计划)。另外,cease to exist(不再存在)和cease fire(停火)是两个最常见词组;名词ceasefire则表示停火或停战协议。
