  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit1(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit4(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit3(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit2(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit5(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit1(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit6(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit4(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit3(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit2(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit5(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit6(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit7(图文)
  • 发音规则(图文)
  • 重音规则(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit1(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit4(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit3(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit2(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit5(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit1(图文)
  • 音标认识-元音(母音)unit6(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit4(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit3(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit2(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit5(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit6(图文)
  • 音标认识-辅音(子音)unit7(图文)
  • 发音规则(图文)
  • 重音规则(图文)
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    作者:龙为行客 阅读次数:2736

    1. Please tell me why is he so sad.
    2. I do not know where is she from.
    3. Please tell me how many people are there in this house.
    4. Let me know how old are you.
    5. Is he a Japanese is a mystery.
    6. Do you know who is the president of the United States?
    7. May I ask you which kind of coffee do you like?
    8. I can not remember how old am I?
    9. What is he talking about is unclear to me.
    10. Do you know why is he coming?
    选择适当的代名词,如whether, which, what, who, how, when, why等填入下面句子的空格(有时会有多种正确的填法):
    1. I don't know book you bought.
    2. Do you know he is from?
    3. Please ask him he drinks tea or not.
    4. he is thinking about is well known to all of us.
    5. Let me guess old you are.
    6. May I ask you are so sad?
    7. I don't know he is.
    8. Do you know house this is?
    9. This is not I want.
    10. I don't care you want to say.
    11§2 以that开始的名词子句
    *The earth is round is known to everyone.
    That the earth is round is known to everyone.
    *I demand he must work hard.
    I demand that he must work hard.
    That the sun rises from the west is wrong.(太阳从西方升起是错的)
    That a lot of Jews were killed during the Second World War is now a historical fact.
    I didn't know that he is such a diligent student.(我不知道他是如此勤快的学生)
    I demand that you go away.(我要求你离开)
    I suggest that you go swimming every morning.(我建议你每天早上游泳)
    That we should all respect our parents should be taught to our kids.
    I don't think that he is a good athlete.(我不认为他是一个好运动员)
    Do you think that she is a good actress?(你认为她是一个好的演员吗?)
    That he can speak good English helps him.(他能说很好的文,这点对他很有帮助)
    I propose that we get married.(我建议我们结婚)
    Let us always remember that there are a lot of poor people in the world.
    Never forget that we should always love one another.(不要忘记我们应该互相友爱)
    I am surprised to find out that he is a Catholic.(我很惊讶地发现他是个天主教徒)
    That we lost the game made all of us frustrated.(我们输了,这件事令我们大感沮丧)
    I can hardly believe that his English is so good.(我不能相信他的英文如此之好)