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    第52课:To Be Canned; To Kiss Up To

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:3620

    [hide]   今天Michael和李华下了班以后就去逛街。他们边走边聊,李华会学到两个常用语:to be canned和to kiss up to。

    M: Man, it was crazy at work today!


    M: My friend George was late again, so the boss canned him!


    M: No, it's much worse than that. The boss canned him. In other words, the boss fired him!

    L:什么?你是说George被解雇了。所以To be canned就是被解雇的意思啊?

    M: Yeah, here, "canned" is the past form of "to can," which means "to put something in a can," or slang for "to throw something in the trash can".


    M: Hehheh, when your boss "cans" you, he's getting rid of you. It is like he is throwing you in the trash can.


    M: To tell the truth, George was not a very good employee. If I were the boss, I would have canned him too.


    M: Well, George was often very late to work. This month, he came in late a least four times. The boss warned George many times before he finally canned him.


    M: Hmph. When George was late, it caused me and the other employees a lot of trouble. No one is really sad that he was canned.


    M: Well, you are right and wrong. Because George was canned, we all have a lot more work to do right now.


    M: I'm sure they will.


    M: Me? Not at all. I'm a good worker, and I kiss up to the boss all the time.


    M: No no no...I said I "kiss up to" my boss. To "kiss up to" someone is to try to be extra friendly to someone so they will treat you well.

    L:那你到底是怎么样“kiss up to”你的boss呢?

    M: Well, when I want to "kiss up to" the boss, I might bring him coffee, or help him clean the office. I also try to say nice things about him and his family, or tell him he just looks really cool.

    L:噢,现在我懂了。你不用说的那么好听,“kiss up to”无非就是拍什么人的马屁嘛。哎呀,真没想到,你还是个马屁精啊。你不怕同事看不起你啊?

    M: No, not at all. All of the employees kiss up to my boss. Actually, there's nothing wrong with that, because our boss is a really nice guy.


    M: I Guess kissing up to someone can be useful, but not so that everyone hates you.


    M: Don't worry about me. I don't want the boss to do anything for me, I just don't want to be canned.


      今天李华学会了两个常用语:to be canned和to kiss up to。To be canned在这里就是被解雇的意思,kiss up to是讨好某人,拍马屁的意思。

