古代以色列先知和祭司,是《旧约.以西结书》(Old Testament Book of Ezekiel)中的主要人物,也是该书一部分的作者。西元前592年左右,他开始说预言。他先对巴勒斯坦的犹太人宣布,上帝必将审判叛教的罪恶之民。他说,耶路撒冷必将为巴比伦所征服,以色列人必将被流放。以西结沈寂了一段时间后,他预言,以色列国流亡异土的人们必将重归巴勒斯坦,不再有犹太人沦落异邦。最后说,他在异像中见到了重建的耶路撒冷圣殿。
Priest and prophet of ancient Israel. He was the subject and partial author of the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel. He began to prophesy to the Jews in Palestine c. 592 BC, pronouncing God's judgment on a sinful nation. He witnessed the conquest of Jerusalem by Babylon and saw his fellow Israelites taken away into captivity. He offered a promise of Israel's restoration in his famous vision of a valley of dry bones that revive and assemble themselves. He envisaged a theocratic community revolving around a restored Temple in Jerusalem.