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    作者:龙为行客 阅读次数:5599

    [color=red]Have you ever had the experience of looking back on your week with the sinking feeling that you didn’t get as much done as you’d hoped? When building a successful career or a business of your own, your time is perhaps your most valuable asset, and your income is a direct result of how you spend your time. You cannot buy any more time than you’re given, and the clock is always ticking.[/color] 你是否曾有过这种感觉:当你回顾自己度过的一周时感到消沉,因为你未能完成自身所期望的那么多工作。当你在打造一个成功的职业生涯或你自己的事业时,时间或许是你最宝贵的财富,如何支配你的时间直接决定了你的收入。你无法购买自身拥有之外的时间,而时钟却永不停息地滴答作响。 [color=red]A few years ago, I discovered a simple system that allowed me to nearly triple my productivity, and in this article I’ll share some very practical ideas you can apply right away to increase your effectiveness without working any harder than you do now.[/color] 几年前,我发现了一个能让我把效率提高近三倍的简单方法,在本文中我将分享一些你可以马上着手进行的非常实用的观念,并且你不必为之付出比现在更多的努力。 [color=red]Keep a detailed time log.
    使用一个详细的日程表 [/color][color=red]The first step to better managing your time is to find out how you’re currently spending your time. Keeping a time log is a very effective way to do this, and after trying it for just one day, you’ll immediately gain tremendous insight into where your time is actually going. The very act of measuring is often enough to raise your unconscious habits into your consciousness, where you then have a chance to scrutinize and change them. [/color][color=#ff0000][/color] 更好地管理你的时间的首要任务是找出你现在支配时间的方式。使用一个日程表是完成此步骤最有效的方法。仅需尝试一天,你会立即对你的时间到底去了哪里有了不可思议的洞察。该测量的举动通常足以把你的无意识习惯提升到意识层面,如此你才有机会仔细检视并改变它们。 [color=red]Here’s how to keep a time log. Throughout your day record the time whenever you start or stop any activity. Consider using a stopwatch to just record time intervals for each activity. You can do this during only your working time or throughout your entire day. At the end of the day, sort all the time chunks into general categories, and find out what percentage of your time is being spent on each type of activity. If you want to be thorough, do this for a week, and calculate the percentage of your total time that you spent on each type of activity. Be as detailed as possible. Note how much time you spend on email, reading newsgroups, web surfing, phone calls, eating, going to the bathroom, etc. If you get up out of your chair, it probably means you need to make an entry in your time log. I typically end up with 50-100 log entries per day.[/color] 此处是使用日程表的方法。一整天当你开始或完成某个活动时都把时间纪录下来,可考虑使用秒表来记录每个活动的时间间隔。你可以仅在工作时间使用这个方法,或是一整天都用。一天结束时,把这些时间段分类记录到综合类别中,然后找出你在每类活动中耗费时间的百分比。假如想把这事做彻底,可以持续做上一周,再计算你在每类活动中耗费的时间占总时间的百分比。要尽可能地详尽:记下你在收发电子邮件、阅读新闻组、网上冲浪、打电话、就餐、洗澡等等事情上分别花费了多少时间。当你从椅子上站起来的时候,可能就表示你该在日程表里添上一笔了。我通常每天结束时会有50—100个日程记录。 [color=red]You may be surprised to discover you’re spending only a small fraction of your working time doing what you’d consider to be actual work. Studies have shown that the average office worker does only 1.5 hours of actual work per day. The rest of the time is spent socializing, taking coffee breaks, eating, engaging in non-business communication, shuffling papers, and doing lots of other non-work tasks. The average full-time office worker doesn’t even start doing real work until 11:00am and begins to wind down around 3:30pm.[/color] 你可能会惊讶地发现,你花在那些自认为是实质性工作的活动上只占了工作总时间的一小部分。有研究发现上班族每天在实质性工作上平均花费的时间为1.5小时。其余时间都耗在了社交、工间休息、就餐、与工作无关的交流、把文件挪来挪去,及其它许多与工作无关的事情上。全职上班族平均开始工作的时间是上午11 点,而下午3点半左右就开始懈怠了