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    作者:皮皮熊 阅读次数:4954


      Here we will suggest some concrete things you can do on your own to improve your English - spoken English in particular(特别是关于英语口语)?

      -Listen to the radio. You could get up five minutes earlier and listen to the news in English.

      -Watch the English Channel(英语频道)in TV to improve your listening skills. Try watching the news in English instead of Chinese. If you watch a movie and it has subtitles(字幕), try taping a paper over them(给字幕蒙上纸条).

      -Invite your English teacher to lunch! Find a friend who also wants to improve his or her English and have lunch or dinner together - speaking English of course.

      -Check out books, cassette tapes, and other materials in English from your local library. Look especially for books which have lots of dialogue(对话)in them. When you go to see English films, try not to watch the Chinese subtitles(试着不看中文字幕).

      -Learn the words to some popular songs.

      -Choose a famous person whose accent you admire, and if you can get recordings of him or her, imitate(模仿)the way he or she speaks.

      -Practice situations when you are alone, perhaps in front of a mirror(镜子). Imagine introducing yourself, disagreeing with someone's ideas, being interviewed or asking for information.

      -Make friends with the exchange students(交换学生)on your campus - they are there because they want cross - cultural(跨文化的)communication. Communicate with them!

      -Find a friend or two and agree to speak English at certain regular『定期的』times - after a class together, at dinner every Tuesday, or riding home on the train.

      -Practice reading aloud - get someone to check your pronunciation, or record yourself on tape(把自己的发音录在磁带上)and analyze(分析)your own speech. Set goals(制定目标)of specific things you can work on improving - for example, differences between words that contain "l" and "n" or "w" and "v". Keep notes of words you often mispronounce(发错音)and practice them.

      -If you have a chance to travel, take advantage of the opportunities to use English - airlines and hotel and restaurant staff, fellow travelers(旅行同伴)and passengers. Visit a former English teacher either from secondary school(中学)or from a course you took at university. Teachers like to hear how their students are doing.

      1、imitate: 模仿,经典例句:
      He can imitate the baby's crying.

      2、regular: 定期的、通常的,经典例句:
      It's very important for the manager to check the financial condition on a regular basis.

