  • 神奇的英文字典WordNet
  • 【2】动词的运用有学问 - 英语讲义
  • 【3】学习词汇先认清方向 - 英语讲义
  • 【4】the定冠词省不得 - 英语讲义
  • 【5】定冠词的常见用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【6】动词主语别忘了呼应 - 英语讲义
  • 【7】不定冠词a/an的用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【8】英语多义词 - 英语讲义
  • 【9】动词形态不对应 - 英语讲义
  • 【10】语态:主动与被动的关系 - 英语讲义
  • 【11】语态被动有方 - 英语讲义
  • 【12】通过联想学英语 - 英语讲义
  • 【13】各种各样的走路姿态 - 英语讲义
  • 【14】主动语态之形,被动语态之意 - 英语讲义
  • 【15】无须冠词的名词 - 英语讲义
  • 【17】读上看下,猜猜词义 - 英语讲义
  • 【18】特殊句子的被动语态 - 英语讲义
  • 【19】容易混淆的常用词 - 英语讲义
  • 【20】“义同形异”的常用词 - 英语讲义
  • 【21】连接词及其用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【22】被动语态的动词 - 英语讲义
  • 【23】few & a few 一 a 之别 - 英语讲义
  • 【24】间接引语的错误 - 英语讲义
  • 【25】在句尾出现的介词 - 英语讲义
  • 【26】beside 和besides 通用吗? - 英语讲义
  • 【27】sometime和sometimes同义吗? - 英语讲义
  • 【28】人称代词主格与宾格的选择方法 - 英语讲义
  • 【29】句子转折词的桥梁 - 英语讲义
  • 【30】代名词的错误 - 英语讲义
  • 【31】代名词不出错 - 英语讲义
  • 你的位置:知识库首页-> 新概念英语


    作者:abscottlee 阅读次数:9676

    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]第一单元曾提到,段落由三个部分组成,最后一部分就是结论句([/font] the concluding sentence[font=宋体])。结论句通常与主题句一样包含有段落的中心思想,然而所用措辞与主题句不同。[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]在示范段落[/font] 1-1[font=宋体],主题句是:[/font] We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]结论句是:[/font] It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]例如在关于“[/font]cigarette smoking[font=宋体]”的示范段落[/font] 1-1[font=宋体]中,中心思想是“[/font]the health problems caused by cigarette smoking[font=宋体],关键词是“[/font]health problems[font=宋体]”。[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]在上述示范段落中,隐含的问题是“[/font]What are the health problems caused by cigarette smoking[font=宋体]?”结论句作出的回答是[/font] It is identified as one of the chief cause of death in our society[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]在上述段落中,主题句的关键词是“[/font]health problems[font=宋体]”,而在结论句中,关键词是“[/font]causes of death[font=宋体]”。[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3]Our neighborhood has been greatly changed[font=宋体].[/font] When I last visited there[font=宋体],[/font] about half the homes had been torn down to make way for a superhighway[font=宋体].[/font] The remaining buildings were plastered with billboards and surrounded by traffic signs and litter[font=宋体].[/font] Now the whole neighborhood has become dirty[font=宋体],[/font] noisy and full of cars[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]主题句:[/font] Our neighborhood has been changed[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]主题句关键词:[/font] changed[/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]主题句隐含的问题:“[/font]How has the neighborhood changed[font=宋体]?[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]细节:[/font] 1[font=宋体].[/font] a superhighway built[font=宋体]—[/font]noisy and full of cars[/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3]2[font=宋体].[/font] full of billboards[font=宋体],[/font] traffic signs and litter[font=宋体]—[/font]dirty[/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]结论句:[/font] Now the whole neighborhood has become dirty[font=宋体],[/font] noisy andfull of cars[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]结论句关键词:[/font] dirty[font=宋体],[/font]noisy and full of cars[/size][/color]
    [b][size=3][color=sandybrown]Exercise 5-1[/color][/size][/b]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3]Directions[font=宋体]:[/font]Read the following paragraph[font=宋体].[/font]Find out the topic sentence and the concluding sentence[font=宋体],[/font] and rearrange the details so that the paragraph will make sense[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3][font=宋体]①[/font] In less than three years the farm had gone to pieces[font=宋体].②[/font]All the windows had been broken out of the big two-story farm house[font=宋体].③[/font]In the front of the house the grass was about three feet tall andthe barn yard was full of weeds instead of pigs squealing to be fed[font=宋体].④[/font]There were no more cows to milk or horses to ride[font=宋体].⑤[/font]My grandmother's farm has a lot of enjoyable memories for me[font=宋体],[/font]but after she died[font=宋体],[/font] I left home to join the army and when I returned[font=宋体],[/font]I was disappointed at the changes that had taken place[font=宋体].⑥[/font] Paint was peeling off the house and the porch roof was sagging[font=宋体].⑦[/font] Lively as the place had been before my grandmother died[font=宋体],[/font] it seemed to have died with her now[font=宋体].⑧[/font]This farm had once been lively with the noise of a tractor plowing the land and a dog barking whenever someone came up to the house[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3]Topic Sentence[font=宋体]:[/font]________Supporting Details[font=宋体]:[/font]________[/size][/color]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3]Concluding Sentence[font=宋体]:[/font]_________[/size][/color]
    [b][size=3][color=sandybrown]Exercise 5-2[/color][/size][/b]
    [color=sandybrown][size=3]Directions[font=宋体]:[/font] Read the following paragraphs and underline the topic sentence of each[font=宋体].[/font] Then write your own concluding sentence to complete each paragraph[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [align=center][b][size=3][color=sandybrown][/color][/size][/b] [/align][align=center][color=sandybrown][size=3][b][font=宋体]([/font]1[/b][b][font=宋体])[/font][/b][/size][/color][/align][align=center][b][size=3][color=sandybrown][/color][/size][/b] [/align][color=sandybrown][size=3]Pollution has caused three major problems in the last decades[font=宋体].[/font]First[font=宋体],[/font] with the development of industry[font=宋体],[/font] more and more factories have been built and have sent out smoke and poisonous gases[font=宋体].[/font]Thus the air is polluted[font=宋体].[/font] The increasing number of cars adds to the air pollution[font=宋体].[/font] Second[font=宋体],[/font] farmers use chemical fertilizers to increase production and insecticide to kill insects[font=宋体].[/font] When rain flows with these poisonous chemicals to rivers[font=宋体],[/font] water is polluted[font=宋体].[/font] A third formof pollution[font=宋体],[/font] noise[font=宋体],[/font] is becoming more and more serious[font=宋体].[/font] Very loud noises can make people sick[font=宋体],[/font] and even drive them mad[font=宋体].[/font][/size][/color]
    [align=center][b][size=3][color=sandybrown][/color][/size][/b] [/align][align=center][color=sandybrown][size=3][b][font=宋体]([/font]2[/b][b][font=宋体])[/font][/b][/size][/color][/align][align=center][b][size=3][color=sandybrown][/color][/size][/b] [/align][color=sandybrown][size=3]There are three important findings from studies concerned with notetaking[font=宋体].[/font] First[font=宋体],[/font]notetaking does not interfere with listening and comprehension[font=宋体];[/font] in fact[font=宋体],[/font] it helps you listen[font=宋体].[/font] Second[font=宋体],[/font] students who study their lecture notes remember one and a half times more after six weeks than students who do not review[font=宋体].[/font] Third[font=宋体],[/font] students who take no notes[font=宋体],[/font] or do not study their notes[font=宋体],[/font] forget approximately 80percent of the lecture by the end of two weeks[font=宋体].[/font]From these findings we can conclude that students who take enough notes and then study them[font=宋体],[/font] both directly after the lecture and several additional times before an examination[font=宋体],[/font] stand a good chance of remembering between90 and 100[font=宋体]%[/font] of the material[font=宋体]![/font]_______________________________________[/size][/color]