  • 神奇的英文字典WordNet
  • 【2】动词的运用有学问 - 英语讲义
  • 【3】学习词汇先认清方向 - 英语讲义
  • 【4】the定冠词省不得 - 英语讲义
  • 【5】定冠词的常见用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【6】动词主语别忘了呼应 - 英语讲义
  • 【7】不定冠词a/an的用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【8】英语多义词 - 英语讲义
  • 【9】动词形态不对应 - 英语讲义
  • 【10】语态:主动与被动的关系 - 英语讲义
  • 【11】语态被动有方 - 英语讲义
  • 【12】通过联想学英语 - 英语讲义
  • 【13】各种各样的走路姿态 - 英语讲义
  • 【14】主动语态之形,被动语态之意 - 英语讲义
  • 【15】无须冠词的名词 - 英语讲义
  • 【17】读上看下,猜猜词义 - 英语讲义
  • 【18】特殊句子的被动语态 - 英语讲义
  • 【19】容易混淆的常用词 - 英语讲义
  • 【20】“义同形异”的常用词 - 英语讲义
  • 【21】连接词及其用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【22】被动语态的动词 - 英语讲义
  • 【23】few & a few 一 a 之别 - 英语讲义
  • 【24】间接引语的错误 - 英语讲义
  • 【25】在句尾出现的介词 - 英语讲义
  • 【26】beside 和besides 通用吗? - 英语讲义
  • 【27】sometime和sometimes同义吗? - 英语讲义
  • 【28】人称代词主格与宾格的选择方法 - 英语讲义
  • 【29】句子转折词的桥梁 - 英语讲义
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    【141】含有「good」或「bad」的惯用语 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:7457


    1. For one's own good:对某人有利

      It is advisable for a person to learn a new language; it is for his own good.

    2. In someone's good books : 令某人喜欢

      Tom has changed for the better and is now in our good books.

    3. Do someone good:对某人有好处

      After a long period of hard work, it will do you good if you take a short holiday.

    4. Do someone a good turn:帮助某人

      I can never forget the day when David did me a good turn out of sheer kindness.

    5. Give someone a good talking-to:   强烈批评某人

      A woman customer complained to the manager and the manager gave the salesgirl a good talking-to.

    6. Good riddance:大解脱

      That nasty fellow has gone at last. Good riddance!

    7. Have a good time:享受一番

      Some old friends met at the weekend and they had a good time at the club.

    8. Hold good:继续有效

      Certain rules and regulations hold good at all times and places.

    9. While the going is good:当情况尚好时

      We can have some end-of -the-year bonus while the going is good.

    10. Make good:发奋图强

      As a dynamic young man, Mike is determined to make good and become somebody one day.

    11. As good as done/ finished:几乎全部完成

      The whole project is as good as done. We can proceed with the next phase of work now.

    12. Through someone's good offices:透过某人的鼎力襄助

      Through a senior officer's good offices, John got the permission to extend his visit.

    13. The good old days:过去的好时光

      When old friends meet, they like to chat about the good old days.

    14. Bad blood:感情恶劣

      There has been bad blood between the two in-laws.

    15. Bad language:粗话

      No bad language in the presence of children, please!

    16. In someone's bad books:令人讨厌

      Tom is late again. No wonder he is often in his boss's bad books.

    17. Come to a bad end:悲惨收场

      Some bad characters have been in and out of prison quite often. They will come to a bad end soon.

    18. Give someone a bad/ hard time:虐待某人

      If your boss tends to give you a bad time without any reason, you had better change your job.

    19. Give something up as a bad job:停止做不可能的事

      Janet started learning Mandarin but did not make good progress. Eventually, she gave it up as a bad job.

    20. Go from bad to worse:越来越坏

      The relations between the two neighbouring countries seem to have gone from bad to worse.

    21. Make the best of a bad job:在逆境中尽力而为

      Though Susie does not have good paper qualifications, she has made the best of a bad job and become a successful manager.

    22. In a bad way:情况不佳

      After repeated setbacks, he has been depressed and is in a bad way now.
