  • 神奇的英文字典WordNet
  • 【2】动词的运用有学问 - 英语讲义
  • 【3】学习词汇先认清方向 - 英语讲义
  • 【4】the定冠词省不得 - 英语讲义
  • 【5】定冠词的常见用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【6】动词主语别忘了呼应 - 英语讲义
  • 【7】不定冠词a/an的用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【8】英语多义词 - 英语讲义
  • 【9】动词形态不对应 - 英语讲义
  • 【10】语态:主动与被动的关系 - 英语讲义
  • 【11】语态被动有方 - 英语讲义
  • 【12】通过联想学英语 - 英语讲义
  • 【13】各种各样的走路姿态 - 英语讲义
  • 【14】主动语态之形,被动语态之意 - 英语讲义
  • 【15】无须冠词的名词 - 英语讲义
  • 【17】读上看下,猜猜词义 - 英语讲义
  • 【18】特殊句子的被动语态 - 英语讲义
  • 【19】容易混淆的常用词 - 英语讲义
  • 【20】“义同形异”的常用词 - 英语讲义
  • 【21】连接词及其用法 - 英语讲义
  • 【22】被动语态的动词 - 英语讲义
  • 【23】few & a few 一 a 之别 - 英语讲义
  • 【24】间接引语的错误 - 英语讲义
  • 【25】在句尾出现的介词 - 英语讲义
  • 【26】beside 和besides 通用吗? - 英语讲义
  • 【27】sometime和sometimes同义吗? - 英语讲义
  • 【28】人称代词主格与宾格的选择方法 - 英语讲义
  • 【29】句子转折词的桥梁 - 英语讲义
  • 【30】代名词的错误 - 英语讲义
  • 【31】代名词不出错 - 英语讲义
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    【124】一个动词,多个句型 - 英语讲义

    作者:欢乐鱼 阅读次数:5444



      同一个动词句型可以衍生无数个句子。同样的,有些动词,可以有超过一个句型。“Help, find, see”这三个很面熟的动词,就是好例子。

    I: HELP

      ⒈主语+help+不定式动词/短语,如: ① Who/ helped/ to mop the floor ? ② Customers' constructive criticisms/ may help/ to improve the service of shopkeepers.

      ⒉主语+help+不带“to”不定式动词/短语,如: ③ Helen/ helped/ mop the floor. ④ Managerial Officers' encouragement/ will help/ lift the morale of the staff.

      ⒊主语+help+宾语+不定式动词/短语如: ⑤ A kind man/ helped/ the woman/ to change her car tyre. ⑥ You/ must help/ your mother/ to do some household chores.

      ⒋主语+help+宾语+不带“to”不定式动词/短语,如: ⑦ Who/ can help/ me/ carry this parcel? ⑧ The government's off-budget measures/ will help/ businessmen/ tide over the period of financial difficulties.

      ⒌主语+cannot help+动名词/短语,如: ⑨ The heart-broken woman/ cannot help/ crying in front of the sympathizers. ⑩ Mr Brown/ cannot help/ scolding his disobedient son.

      ⒍主语+cannot help+不带“to”不定式动词/短语,如: The frustrated man/ cannot help but/ leave the place. The teacher/ couldn't help but/ fail the weakest students.

    II: FIND

      ⒎主语+find+宾语+现在分词/短语,如: The search party/ found/ the adventurers/ going astray in the jungle. The police/ found/ two groups of gangsters/ getting ready for a big fight.

      ⒏主语+find+宾语+过去分词/短语,如: A police dog/ found/ the smuggled drugs/ hidden in a hole near the wall. When Irene arrived home, she/ found/ the front door/ broken open.

      ⒐主语+find+宾语+名词分句,如: Scientists/ found/ that the earth is round. Many people/ found/ that Chinese is a difficult language.

      ⒑主语+find+宾语+不定式动词/短语,如: Who/ finds/ English/ to be harder than Chinese? I/ do not find/ Richard/ to be difficult of access.

      ⒒主语+find+宾语+形容词/短语,如: We all/ find/ Betty/ friendly. I/ don't find/ Jason/ difficult to get along.

    III: SEE

      ⒓主语+see+宾语+不带“to”不定式动词/短语,如: I/ saw/ him/ go out just now. We/ have seen/ her/ scold her students in class.

      ⒔主语+see+宾语+现在分词/短语,如: Who/ saw/ the petty thief/ running away? We/ will see/ our team/ winning the match again.

      ⒕主语+see+宾语+过去分词/短语,如: Some by-standers/ saw/ a woman/ robbed of her hand-bag. The people/ saw/ their/ house/ burnt to ashes.
