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建筑建设相关词汇翻译(2) - 建筑地产词汇
作者:关赫 阅读次数:1893
塑料制品 PLASTIC FABRICATIONS 玻璃钢 glass fiber-reinforced plastic 木和塑料结构的修复与清理 wood and plastic restoration and cleaning 基本木材、塑料、紧固件和粘结剂 basic wood and plastics and fastenings and adhesives materials and methods 木结构 ROUGH CARPENTRY 木结构 mill-framed structures 胶合板 laminated & processed sheets 建筑木制品 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 木楼梯和扶手 wood stairs & handrails 木制线脚和装饰品 wood moldings & ornaments 仿建筑木制品 simulated architectural woodwork 塑料制品 PLASTIC FABRICATIONS 玻璃钢 glass fiber-reinforced plastic 木和塑料结构的修复与清理 wood and plastic restoration and cleaning 防水和防潮 WATERPROOFING & DAMPPROOFING 沥青基防水卷材 build-up bituminous waterproofing rolls 高分子防水卷材 polymer membranes 防水涂料 waterproofing coatings 水泥基及改性防水材料 cementitious and reactive waterproofing 憎水剂 water repellents 保温隔热制品 THERMAL PROTECTION AND INSULATION 隔热材料 insulation materials 房屋保温 building insulation 现场发泡/喷射绝缘材料 spray/foam-in-place insulation 外绝缘系统 exterior insulation & finish systems 防火阻燃材料 fire-proofing materials 瓦屋面 SHINGLES,ROOFING TILES AND ROOF COVERINGS 屋面板瓦 shingles 屋面瓦 roofing tiles 屋面瓦固定辅助材料 roofing tile fastening accessories 屋面板和墙面板制品 MANUFACTRED ROOFING AND SIDING 屋面板和墙板 roof & wall panels 混凝土屋面板及墙板 concrete roof panels and siding 复合板材屋面及墙面 composed panel roof and siding 纤维增强水泥屋面板及墙板 fiber-reinforced cementitious roof and siding 护墙板,封檐板 siding 组合外墙 exterior wall assemblies 金属屋面 metal roofing 防火及防烟 FIRE and SMOOKE PROTECTION 防火阻燃材料 applied fireproofing 防火板 board fireproofing 接缝密封和堵漏材料 JOINT SEALANTS 接缝密封材料 joint sealers 基本门窗用材料及方法 BASIC DOOR AND WINDOW MATERIALS AND METHODS 钢门窗及塑钢门窗型材 铝门窗及塑铝门窗型材 塑料门窗型材 金属门及门框 METALS DOORS & FRAMES 钢门及门框 steel doors & frames 铝合金门及门框 aluminum doors and frams 不锈钢门及门框 stainless steel doors and frams 铜门及门框 bronze doors and frams 木和塑料门及门框 WOOD & PLASTIC DOORS & FRAMES 木门 panel wood doors 塑料门 plastic/plastic laminate-faced doors 特殊门 SPECIAL DOORS 推拉门和格栅 sliding doors & grilles 安全门 detention/security doors 卷帘门和格栅 coiling doors & grilles 工业厂房和棚厂门 industrial & hangar doors 折叠门和格栅 folding doors & grilles 防爆门 blast-resistant doors 入口和商店门面 ENTRANCE & STOREFRONTS 自动入口门 automatic entrance doors 自动推拉平板式入口门 auto-sliding flat panel entrance doors 入口转门 revolving entrance doors 窗 METAL WINDOWS & FRAMES 金属窗 metal windows 钢窗 steel windows 铝窗 aluminum windows 不锈钢窗 stainless steel windows 木窗 wood windows 塑料窗 vinyl windows 特种窗 special windows 室外上卷式百叶窗 exterior roll-up windows shutters 天窗及屋顶采光 SKYLIGHTS 屋顶窗 roof windows 五金配件 HARDWARE 门用小五金 door hardware 推拉和折叠门五金 sliding & folding door hardware 门操作器 door operators 密封条,门槛及密封胶 weatherstripping,thresholds & seals 电子锁系统 electrical locking systems 窗五金 window hardware & specialties 门窗配件 door and window accessories 玻璃及相关制品 GLAZING 玻璃 glass
关键字:建筑地产词汇 |