装配式预制precast 安装预应力prestressed 连续多跨Multi-spans continuous 刚构rigid frame 受力load-carrying capability 等截面uniform section 拼接splice 跨越spanning 支架scaffoldings 模板formwork 跨线桥overpass bridge 最优化optimization 三跨three-span 结构优化设计optimum design of structures-program 单墩single pier 主梁girder断面deck/section 边、中跨径side span & middle spin 空心板梁hollow slab beam 工字形箱H-shaped box 板箱梁slab box beam 主梁截面girder section 中等(30~50米)的主跨跨径范围medium range of main span 刚度比ratio of rigidity V形墩V-shaped pier V形斜撑V-shaped inclined strut 与水平线夹角included angle with level line
关键字:建筑地产词汇 | | |