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    作者:杨树军 阅读次数:10780



    霸权主义 hegemonism
    强权政治 power politics
    民族资源 national resources
    边界现状 boundary situation
    不结盟国家 non-aligned countries
    采取高姿态 show magnanimity
    采取惩罚行动 take puntive actions
    常驻代表 permanent representative
    弹性外交 elastic diplomacy
    安全考虑 security consideration
    附庸国 dependency
    公使馆 legation
    国际商会 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
    互通有无 exchange of needed goods
    环太平洋地区 Pacific Rim
    缓和 detente
    领土毗连 territorial contiguity
    流血冲突 bloody conflict
    民间外交 people-to-people diplomacy
    审时度势 size up the situation
    诉诸武力 resort to the use of force
    正式照会 formal note
    总领事馆 consulate general
    政府声明 government statement
    中立国 neutral state
    预防外交 preventive diplomacy


    observe and cope with the situation cool-headedly

    adhere to the principle of mutual respect and seek common ground while shelving differences

    We stand for going along with the historical tide and safeguarding the common interests of mankind.

    China will never seek hegemony and never go in for expansion.

    The road is tortuous, but the future is bright.


    山地气候 mountain climate 恒风 constant wind 微风 breeze
    冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate 逆风 headwind 台风 typhoon
    季风气候 monsoon climate 高气压 high-pressure 锋面 frontal edge
    亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate 气团 air mass 热浪 heat wave
    高原气候 plateau climate 闪电 lightning 雾 fog
    海滨气候 littoral climate 凉 cool 霜 frost
    极地气候 polar climate 雪堆 snowdrift 露 dew
    热带气候 tropical climate 寒冷 chilly 3、风的名称
    温带沙漠气候 temperate desert climate 间歇雨 intermittent rain 无风 calm
    温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate 大雨 heavy rain 轻风 light breeze
    热带季风气候 tropical monsoon climate 信风 trade wind 微风 gentle breeze
    大陆气候 continental climate 天气预报 weather forecast 和风 moderate breeze
    沙漠气候 desert climate 甘霖 welcome rain 清风 fresh breeze
    沿海气候 coastal climate 冰柱 icicle 强风 strong breeze
    高地气候 highland climate 西北风 northwester 疾风 near gale
    海洋气候 marine climate 地形雨 local rains 大风 gale
    森林气候 forest climate 狂风 squall 烈风 strong gale
    温带气候 temperate climate 雨季 rainy season 狂风 storm
    湿润气候 humid climate 雨点 raindrops 暴风 violent storm
    温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate 东北信风 northeast trades 飓风 hurricane
    热带雨林气候 tropical rainy climate 东南风 southeaster 台风 typhoon
    热带海洋气候 tropical marine climate 风级 wind scale 龙卷风 tornado
    2、气象用语 虹 rainbow 4、浪的名称
    小雨 light rain 阵雨 shower 平静 calm
    毛毛雨 drizzle, fine rain 疾风 gusty wind 微波 rippled
    反常天气 freakish weather 气旋 cyclone 微浪 smooth wavelets
    北风 north wind 气压 barometric pressure 细浪 light seas
    冰 ice 阴天 cloudy day 小浪 moderate seas
    冰点 freezing point 雪花 snow flake 中浪 rough seas
    西南风 southwester 晴 clear 大浪 very rough seas
    冷峰 cold front 顺风 favorable wind 强浪 high seas
    低气压 low-pressure 闷热天气 muggy weather 巨浪 very high seas
    雨量 rainfall 雹 hail 狂浪 monster waves
    东北风 northeaster 雷 thunder 5、自然灾害
    东风 east wind 滂沱大雨 downpour 火山地震 volcanic earthquake
    炎热 scorching heat 暖锋 warm front 海啸 tidal wave
    风眼 eye of a storm 零度 zero 山崩 landslide
    零度以下 subzero


    财政丑闻 accounting scandal
    财务报告分析 analysis of financial statement
    保理业务 factoring business
    保税区 bonded area
    掺水股票 water-down stocks
    酬资融资 fund and financing
    城乡信用社 credit cooperatives in both urban and rural areas
    呆帐 bad loan
    贷款无力偿还 loan defaults
    地区货币集团 regional corrency blocks
    电子银行 e-banking
    电子应用系统 e-application
    对冲基金 hedge fund
    存款保证金 guaranty money for deposits
    财政法 fiscal law
    费改税 transform administrative fees into taxes
    分期付款 installment payment
    分税制 system of tax distribution
    风险资本 venture capital
    封闭式基金 close-ended fund
    公积金 public accumulation funds
    国际清算银行 international clearing banks
    核心资产 core assets
    货币化 monetization
    货币回笼 withdrawal of currency from circulation
    货到付款 cash on delivery
    虚报盈利 inflate profits
    假帐 accounting fraud
    金边贸易 gild-edged bonds
    宽限期 grace period
    垃圾债券 junk bond
    疲软股票 soft stock


    convention 会议
    party 晚会, 社交性宴会
    at-home party 家庭宴会
    tea party 茶会
    dinner party 晚餐会
    garden party 游园会
    dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会
    reading party 读书会
    fishing party 钓鱼会
    sketching party 观剧会
    birthday party 生日宴会
    Christmas party 圣诞晚会
    luncheon party 午餐会
    fancy ball 化妆舞会
    commemorative party 纪念宴会
    wedding dinner, a wedding reception 结婚宴会
    banquet 酒宴
    pajama party 睡衣派对
    buffet party 立食宴会
    cocktail party 鸡尾酒会
    welcome meeting 欢迎会
    farewell party 惜别会
    pink tea 公式茶会
    new years‘s banquet 新年会
    year-end dinner party 忘年餐会
    box supper 慈善餐会
    fancy fair 义卖场
    general meeting, general assembly 会员大会
    congress 代表大会
    board of directors 董事会
    executive council, executive board 执行委员会
    standing body 常设机构
    committee, commission 委员会
    subcommittee 附属委员会,小组委员会
    general committee, general officers, general bureau 总务委员会
    secretariat 秘书处
    budget committee 预算委员会
    drafting committee 起草委员会
    committee of experts 专家委员会
    advisory committee, consultative committee 顾问委员会,咨询委员会
    symposium 讨论会
    study group 学习研讨会
    seminar 讲习会,学习讨论会
    meeting in camera 秘密会议 (美作:executive session)
    opening sitting 开幕会
    final sitting 闭幕会
    formal sitting 隆重开会
    plenary meeting 全会
    sitting, meeting 开会 (美作:session)
    session 会期,会议期间 (美作:meeting)
    working party 工作小组
    seat, headquarters 席位
    governing body 主管团体
    round table 圆桌
    to sit a meeting, to meet a meeting, to hold a meeting 召开会议


    连带责任 joint liability
    良性循环 virtuous circle
    劣等品 shoddy goods
    冒充包装 copycat packaging
    耐用消费品 durable consumer items
    扭转局面 turn the table
    农村富余劳动力 surplus rural labor
    敬业精神 professional dedication
    皮包公司 bogus company
    票贩子 ticket scalper
    瓶颈制约 bottleneck restrictions
    情感消费 emotional consumption
    区位商业 location-based commerce
    全优工程 all-round excellent project
    拳头产品 blockbuster
    条码 bar code
    市场疲软 sluggish market
    市场准入 market access
    投资成本回收 recover investments
    效益工资 achievements-related wages
    一级市场 primary market
    重复建设 duplication of similar projects
    转嫁负担 shifting losses to
    产品结构 product mix
