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    作者:青青 阅读次数:3593


    A Rose from Homer's Grave

    Hans Christian Andersen


    All the songs of the east speak of the love of the nightingale
    for the rose in the silent starlight night. The winged songster serenades the
    fragrant flowers.

    Not far from Smyrna, where the merchant drives his loaded camels,
    proudly arching their long necks as they journey beneath the lofty pines over
    holy ground, I saw a hedge of roses. The turtle-dove flew among the branches of
    the tall trees, and as the sunbeams fell upon her wings, they glistened as if
    they were mother-of-pearl. On the rose-bush grew a flower, more beautiful than
    them all, and to her the nightingale sung of his woes; but the rose remained
    silent, not even a dewdrop lay like a tear of sympathy on her leaves. At last
    she bowed her head over a heap of stones, and said, “Here rests the greatest
    singer in the world; over his tomb will I spread my fragrance, and on it I will
    let my leaves fall when the storm scatters them. He who sung of Troy became
    earth, and from that earth I have sprung. I, a rose from the grave of Homer, am
    too lofty to bloom for a nightingale.” Then the nightingale sung himself to
    death. A camel-driver came by, with his loaded camels and his black slaves; his
    little son found the dead bird, and buried the lovely songster in the grave of
    the great Homer, while the rose trembled in the wind.

    The evening came, and the rose wrapped her leaves more closely
    round her, and dreamed: and this was her dream.

    It was a fair sunshiny day; a crowd of strangers drew near who
    had undertaken a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer. Among the strangers was a
    minstrel from the north, the home of the clouds and the brilliant lights of the
    aurora borealis. He plucked the rose and placed it in a book, and carried it
    away into a distant part of the world, his fatherland. The rose faded with
    grief, and lay between the leaves of the book, which he opened in his own home,
    saying, “Here is a rose from the grave of Homer.”

    Then the flower awoke from her dream, and trembled in the wind. A
    drop of dew fell from the leaves upon the singer's grave. The sun rose, and the
    flower bloomed more beautiful than ever. The day was hot, and she was still in
    her own warm Asia. Then footsteps approached, strangers, such as the rose had
    seen in her dream, came by, and among them was a poet from the north; he plucked
    the rose, pressed a kiss upon her fresh mouth, and carried her away to the home
    of the clouds and the northern lights. Like a mummy, the flower now rests in his
    “Iliad,” and, as in her dream, she hears him say, as he opens the book,
    “Here is a rose from the grave of Homer.”


    I. Translation for Reference(参考译文)








    II. Exercise Choose the correct answer to the following

    1. What does all the songs of the east speak of?

    A.The king of the people.

    B.The love of the nightingale for the rose.


    D.The rose.

    2. To whom did the nightingale sing of his woes?

    A.The merchant.

    B.The turtle-dove.

    C.The camels.

    D.The rose.

    3. What did happen to the nightingale?

    A.He sung himself to death.

    B.He got ill.

    C.He flew to the east.

    D.He stayed with the rose.

    4. What was the weather like in the rose's dream?

    A.A rainy day.

    B.A cloudy day.

    C.A fair sunshiny day.

    D.A overcast day.

    5. What did really happen to the rose?

    A.The dream came true.

    B.Nothing happened to her.

    C.She died on Homer's grave.

    D.None of the answers above is correct.


    III. New Words and Expressions 生词和词组

    1. serenade v. 为(某人)唱或奏小夜曲

    2. fragrant a. 芬香的

    3. sunbeam n. 阳光

    4. minstrel n. 吟游诗人

    5. aurora n. 极光

    6. grief n. 悲痛


    Key to Exercise(练习答案)

    1.B  2.D  3.A  4.C  5.A