十二使徒(Apostle)之一,与圣彼得(St. Peter)为兄弟,苏格兰的主保圣人,又是俄罗斯的主保圣人。据〈福音书〉记载,他原是渔夫,曾为施洗者圣约翰的门徒。彼得和安德烈在捕鱼时受到耶稣召唤。教会早期传说他在黑海附近传教。四世纪的传说描述他被钉于十字架上,而十三世纪的传说则曰那个架子是呈X型的。死后遗骸曾被搬动过数次,他的头骨从15世纪起就一直摆放在罗马圣彼得教堂,直到1964年,教宗为了对希腊示好而奉还它。
One of the 12 Apostles, brother of St. Peter, and patron saint of Scotland and Russia. According to the Gospels, he was a fisherman and a disciple of John the Baptist. Early Byzantine tradition calls Andrew protokletos, “first called.” He and Peter were called from their fishing by Jesus, who promised to make them fishers of men. Early church legends tell of Andrew's missionary work around the Black Sea. A 4th-century tradition says he was crucified; 13th-century tradition states that the cross was X-shaped. His relics were moved several times after his death; his head was kept in St. Peter's in Rome from the 15th century until 1964, when the pope returned it to Greece as a gesture of goodwill.