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    作者:龙为行客 阅读次数:3090

    6. I will eat lunch as soon as I have time.
    *When you will come tomorrow, I will already be in Taipei.
    *After the war will be over, every one will be happy.
    *I will eat lunch as soon as I will have time.
    将以下的中文句子翻成英文句子,用will或to be going to:
    1. 我明天要上教堂(go to church)。
    2. 他下周一要和我见面。
    3. 他明天要整理这个房间(clean this room)。
    4. 我明天吃晚饭后要去台北。
    5. 我明天晚上回家以后,就打电话给你。
    6. 我毕业以后会去念法律。
    7. 明天你走以后,我要看电视.。
    8. 明天我会去台南。
    9. 今天晚上我要写一封信给你。
    10. 今晚,我要等我的哥哥。
    1. I (be) in America next year, after I (graduate).
    2. I (explain) this to you tonight after I (read) the report.
    3. I (see) you tonight.
    4. As soon as you (come) to see me, I (give) you my book.
    5. When you (arrive) in New York tomorrow, Tom (be) in the airport to meet you.
    6. I (go) to church after the rain stops.
    7. I (watch) the new TV program after you (leave).
    8. When you (get) here tomorrow, everyone (wait) for you.
    9. I (get) a job as soon as I get out of college.
    10. He________ (have) dinner very late tomorrow.
    11. I________ (quit) my present job, after I________ (find) a better one.
    5§2 未来式的变形
    I will be watching TV tomorrow at eight.
    He will be eating a big dinner after he gets out of the hospital.
    I will be studying mathematics at home when you come.
    Two days later, I will be driving a new car.
    I will have finished this work by six o’clock tomorrow.
    By the time he arrives at the station, the train will have left.
    We will have had three meetings before six o’clock tonight.
    He will have written six novels next summer.
    1. I (watch) the baseball game tomorrow night.
    2. He (finish) the report when you arrive at his home.
    3. I (wash) my car tonight when my mother comes.
    4. They (play) their violins when the clock strikes twelve.
    5. He (complete) writing this program before ten o’clock tonight.
    6. He (be) the president for three years next May.
    7. I (wash) my car when you come tonight.
    8. I (read) this report before six o’clock tomorrow evening.
    9. Peter (dance) in the streets if Mr. Robertson is elected president.
    10. I (drive) four hundred miles tomorrow.
    1. 彼得生于1965年,他从小就喜欢音乐,自从1975年起,他就一直在练习小提琴。现在他是一个很好的小提琴家。
    2. 我的哥哥明天会来看我,他来的时候,我会在家里看电视。我喜欢看有关医院的节目。
    3. 在我小的时候我常常喜欢打篮球,现在我不打篮球了,因为我曾有一次车祸(car accident)。