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    Teaching plans of unit7A-课件教案

    作者:gq1957 阅读次数:2977


    Unit 6 Fashion

    Welcome to the unit


    Huashi Secondary School    Gong Xiping

    Teaching aims and demands

    New words :fashion , lazy , tie , cotton , leather , silk , wool

    Teaching methods : task-based approach

    Teaching task:   1. Ask the Ss to design a poster for the 'Fashion Wall'

                  2. Describe clothes and materials

    Teaching aids: tape recorder

    Teaching procedures:

    I.Warm-up (presentation)

    Ask the Ss on duty to give us a short report about the shopping mall .


    Listen to the tape , answer my question , "Does Eddie wear clothes?' Help the Ss to answer.

    Listen again , Ss read after the tape recorder , then do some True or False exercises . Check the answers with the whole class .

    Language points:

    1. I don't know what to wear today .

        What to do , which to do , when to do

       e. g. He knows which to buy .

             I want to know when to start speaking .

    2. Dogs don't wear clothes .

          wear , put on

       e. g. He puts on his coat and goes out .

             What does he wear every day ?

    3. I can spend 10 more minutes in bed then .


       e. g. Would you like one more apple ?

             I have twenty more trees to plant .

    4. You're so lazy .


       e. g .so fast , so hard

    5. Looking good and raising money .

         look +adj.

       e. g. He looks younger than his age .

            These apples look ripe .

    III.Main task

    Design a poster for the 'Fashion Wall'. Then ask Ss to talk about their own designs in front of the class .

    IV.Discussion (task)

    Have a discussion in groups of six , ask the Ss to report the names of clothes and materials .

    Fill in the blanks on page 87.

    Language points:

         leather, wool , silk, cotton 

          blouse  →      blouses

          jacket   →     jackets

          tie      →     ties


    Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson .


    Review the contents of this lesson .


    Unit 6 Fashion
    Huashi Secondary School    Gong Xiping


    Teaching aims and demands

    New words : fashion show , time (times) , century , smart , modern , trainer, talk , life , comfortable , boot, style , cool, scarf

    Teaching  difficulties : the Simple Past Tense

                             We all wore clothes from different times in the 20th century .

                             Simon looked colourful .

    Teaching methods : task-based approach

    Teaching task:   1.Design a poster for the 'Fashion Wall '.

                  2. Write an article about the fashion show .

    Teaching aids : tape recorder, tapes , slide projector , slides

    Teaching procedures:


    Ask the Ss on duty to give a free talk .


    Ask the Ss 'What is your favourite fashion?/What do you usually wear ? /Are you interested in fashion ?

                Look! Simon is giving a fashion show now .

    Ⅲ. Listening

    Now, let's listen to the paragraphs 1-4 , after you listen to them , please answer my question, What did Simon wear ?

    Listen to the paragraphs 5-7 and answer the question , what did Daniel wear ? Help the Ss to answer .

    Listen again , then do some true or False exercises .

    Check the answers with the whole class .

    Ⅳ. Reading

    Ss read the articles by yourselves . Fill in the Blanks with the new words . Explain the words . Do the Exx on page 90 and 91 . Ss ask and answer questions in pairs to practice in class .

    Language points:

    1. We all wore clothes from different times in the 20th century .

           time , in the 20th century

       e.g. in the 1970s=in the 70's of the 20th century

    2. Millie gave an interesting talk on ' The life of a Trainer ' .

           give a talk on ...

       e.g. Lucy gave us a talk on English names .

            Can you give the students a talk on the moon ?

    3. Trainers are usually very comfortable .

           usually, often , always , sometimes , also

           comfortable →  uncomfortable

    4. I also wore my hair in a 1990s style .

           in a 1990s style

       e.g. Can you say it in English ?

            We don't have any shoes in your size .

    5.Everyone had fun at the fashion show .

          have fun =have a good time =enjoy oneself

       e.g. They had fun yesterday .

            Are you enjoying yourselves with us ?

    Ⅴ. Discussion (task)

    Classify the class into groups of six . Have a discussion and find out what the boys /girls wear at the fashion show . Each group will choose a student to tell us what they wear at the fashion show .

    Ⅵ. Sum-up

    Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson .

    Ⅶ. Homework

    1.Review the contents of this lesson .

    2. Do the Exx of the workbook .


    Unit 6 Fashion
    Vocabulary  and  Grammer
    Huashi Secondary School    Gong Xiping

    Teaching aims and demands

    New words :ago , dress , plan , ring , bath , dress , afterwards , finally , catwalk , choose

    Teaching difficulty: the Simple Past Tense

    Teaching methods :task-based approach

    Teaching task :    1. To recognize and use the simple past tense

                    2. To recognize typical contexts which use the simple past tense

                    3. To recognize and use adverbs to order events

    Teaching aids : tape recorder

    Teaching procedures :

    Ⅰ. Warm-up

    Ask the student on duty to give a free talk

    Ⅱ. Vocabulary

    Ask the Ss what they wear and list the names of the clothes . e.g. a silk blouse , a T-shirt , a tie , a pair of trainers

    Language points :

    a pair of boots /trainers/trousers/shoes

    big → small , old → new , short → long , young → old ,  light →  heavy 

    Ⅲ. Grammar

    1. Revise the purpose and use of the simple past tense by using a timeline . Draw a timeline on the board to show how the simple past tense is expressed in English .

    2.Writing about the past

    ⑴ We form the simple past tense by adding'-ed' to regular verbs.

    Most verbs
     Walk →walks
    Verbs ending in e
     Live → lived
    Verbs ending in a consonant  +y
     Try  → tried
    Short verbs ending in a vowel +a consonant
     Double the consonant 
     Stop →stopped


    ⑵ We form the simple past tense of irregular verbs differently . We do not add '-ed'.

    No change
     cost →cost       put→ put  
    Change the vowel
     come → came    ring→ rang 
    Change the consonant
     make→ make     send →send
    Change the vowel﹝s﹞ and the consonant﹝s﹞ 
     do →did         buy→bought


    Language points :

    1. Give Eddie a bath .

       give sb. a bath

    2. Ask Grandma about 1960s dress .

        ask sb. about sth

    3. Did she help you with the shopping on Tuesday ?

        help sb. with sth =help sb. (to) do sth.

    4. I have dinner with my family .


       e.g. He goes to the park with his family on Sundays .

            My family has three children .

            The Green family =the Greens

    Ⅳ.Discussion (task)

    Have a discussion and find out the differences between the Simple Present Tense and the Simple Past Tense .


    1. Review the contents of this lesson .

    2. Do the Exx of the workbook .


    Unit 6 Fashion
    Integrated skills and Pronunciation
    Huashi Secondary School    Gong Xiping

    Teaching aims and demands

    New words :shoelace , sole , stripe , tongue , shoemaker , sew , left , shop , act , plant , stop , around

    Teaching methods : task-based approach

    Teaching task : 1. Have a discussion and find out how they can make a trainer .

                    2. Make up a story of 'The life of a Trainer '.(use the simple past tense )

    Teaching aids : tape recorder , tapes , slide projector, slides

    Teaching procedures :

    Ⅰ. Warm-up

    Ask the student on duty to give a free talk

    Integrated skills
    Ⅱ. The life of a trainer

    Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and guess the different parts of a trainer . Listen to the tape , and ask the Ss to put the correct words in the boxes .

    Ⅲ. Order the numbers

    Listen to the tape , tell the Ss to put the sentences in the correct order . Check the answers with the whole class .

    Ⅳ. Discussion (task)

    Change these verbs into their simple past tense forms .

    Ⅴ. Writing (task)

    Ask the Ss to complete the story from Part Two . Ss check the answers in pairs . Then ask one or two Ss to read the story to the class.

    Ⅵ.Speak up

     Ask the Ss to complete the dialogue What are these made of ? in pairs . Tell the able Ss to make up new dialogues and practice them in front of the class .

    Ⅶ. Saying '-ed' endings .

    ①Ask Ss to listen to the different sounds at the end of the verbs in Part A

    ②Part B helps Ss identify the different sounds of '-ed' endings

    ③Introduce the content of the conversation in Part C

    Language points :

    1. cut ...into ...

    2. change from ...to ...

    3. be made of ...

    4. enjoy one's day =have a good time on that day =have fun on that day =enjoy oneself on that day

    5. need some exercise =need to take some exercise

    6. walk around

    7. for a long time =for long

    Ⅷ. Sum-up

    Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson .

    1. Review the contents of this lesson

    2. Do the Exx of the workbook


    Unit 6 Fashion
    Main task and Checkout
    Huashi Secondary School    Gong Xiping
    Teaching aims and demands :

    New words : V-neck , material, design, hairstyle , star

    Key points :   1. Design fashionable clothes

                 2. Show clothes and materials

                 3. Use the Simple Past Tense

    Teaching methods :task -based approach

    Teaching task :   1. Get the Ss to design some clothes and make a poster to give information about the styles , colours and materials of the clothes .

                    2. Write an e-mail about the fashion show that they are familar with (Use the simple past tense )

    Teaching aids :tape recorder ,tapes , slide projector , slides

    Teaching procedures :

    Ⅰ. warm-up

    Ask the student on duty to give a free talk

    Main task : Designing fashionable clothes

                Ask the Ss to look at Sandy's plan and sketches and answer some questions . e. g. What style is the coat ?/What's the colour of the skirt ? /What is the blouse made of ? /What kinds of clothes do you like ?/What are your favourite clothes ?

    Ⅱ. Writing (task)

    Help Sandy complete Sandy's poster on page102 .

    Get the Ss to design some clothes and make a poster to give information about the style , colours and materials of the clothes .

    Checkout : Last Friday

    Ⅲ. Revision

    Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets . Check the use of the simple past tense .

    Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and make up a conversation . Then get some able Ss to act the conversation out in front of the class .

    Language points :

    1. They look really good together =They match each other very well .

    2. one of the models

    3. the stars of the show

    4. become a model

    5. the boots you tried on

    Ⅳ. Sum-up

    Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson .

    Ⅴ. Homework

    1. Review the contents of this lesson

    2. Do the Exx of the workbook




    江苏牛津英语7A Unit6 Fashion  Exercise ㈠

    江阴市华士实验学校中学部  龚锡平 2005年3月12日


    1.       It’s early . I can spend 10 more              (分钟 )in bed then .

    2.       Eddie doesn’t know              (什么) to wear today .

    3.       Millie is wearing a pair of              (皮制的) shoes .

    4.       We all wore clothes from different              (时代 )in the 20th century .

    5.       Everyone had              (有趣)at the fashion show .


    1.       I don’t know what               (wear) .

    2.       I can spend ten more               (minute) in bed .

    3.       Millie              (give) an interesting talk on “The Life of a Train”.

    4.       Simon looked               (colour) . He liked the              (colour) of the tie .

    5.       The students raised lots of               (money) for Project Hope .


    1.       It was Friday yesterday .

    2.       Sam likes Chinese food very much .

    3.       She lives in Nanjing . (用two years ago改写句子 )

    4.       I spend twenty minutes walking to school . (用it改为同义句)

    5.       There was a fashion show last Sunday . (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)





    江苏牛津英语7A Unit6 Fashion

    Exercise ㈡

    江阴市华士实验学校中学部  龚锡平 2005年3月12日


    1.       Shanghai is a m           city . We can see tall building everywhere .

    2.       In China, there are many f              shows every year .

    3.       I like my s          blouse very much . It’s c           in summer .

    4.       Mother asked me to c          a Walkman for my birthday present , and f           I took the cheapest one .

    5.       We r             money to help the children in p areas .

    Ⅱ 用单词的适当形式填空

    1.       This sofa is very               (comfort) to sit .

    2.       Girls like to wear               (colour) dress .

    3.       This pair of boots matches the clothes very               (good) .

    4.       What kind of               (health) food do you like ?

    5.                     (final), he won the first prize in the Reading Club .

    Ⅲ 按要求改写下列句子

    1.       He finished the fashion design last Sunday . (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

    2.       Sandy enjoyed the fashion show yesterday .

    3.       He spent eight yuan on this tie . (改为同义句)

    4.       How much are the books ? (改为同义句)

    5.       He isn’t watching TV now . (用last night改写句子)


    江苏牛津英语7A Unit6 Fashion

    Exercise ㈢

    江阴市华士实验学校中学部  龚锡平 2005年3月12日


    give a talk on , at the show , be made of , how often , how long , try on 

    1. What                these trousers               ?

    2. Mr Wu is going to               maths tomorrow .

    3.                     do you eat fast food ?

    4.        Could I               the shoes , please ?

    5.                       does Simon sleep every night ?

    Ⅱ 句型转换

    1.       Amy’s blue scarf is made of silk .

    2.       They gave a fashion show every year .

    3.       There were lots of different materials in the factory . (改为否定句)

    4.       Everyone had fun at the party yesterday . (改为同义句)

    5.       Finally , she worked out this Maths problem . (改为同义句)

    Ⅲ 汉译英

    1.       我昨天晚上没看电影。Yesterday evening I                             a film .

    2.       上星期一上午你们做了什么事?我们上了四节课。

    –What               you               last Monday morning ?

    --We                                             .

    3.       我真的喜欢那条牛仔,它与我的T恤很相配。

    I really               the blue              ,                          

     my blue T-shirt .

    4.       年轻人喜欢穿运动鞋,因为他们很舒服。

    Young people like                       ,

    because they                                       .

    5.       你能帮我的朋友挑选一件生日礼物?吗?             you help           

                                a                                         my friend ?




    江苏牛津英语7A Unit6 Fashion  短语专练

    江阴市华士实验学校中学部   龚锡平 2005年3月12日

    1. 穿什么

    2. 穿上

    3. 再十分钟/又十分钟

    4. 很懒

    5. 这么懒

    6. 筹款

    7. 在20世纪

    8.  不同时期

    9. 作关于…的演说/报告

    10   按照(以)20世纪90年代的式样

    11.      玩得开心/过得愉快

    12.      给某人洗澡

    13.      问某人关于某事

    14.      帮助某人做某事

    15.      格林一家人

    16.      在T型台上表演

    17.      穿白色裤子

    18.      选择穿什么

    19.   把…切成…

    20.      在我(运动鞋)身上缝上蓝条

    22.      从…变成…

    23.      由…制成…

    24.      今天玩得愉快

    25.      需要锻炼

    26.      四处走走

    27.      好长时间

    28.      你试穿的那双靴子

    29.      算出

    30.      脱掉

    31.      拿走

    32.      举行一次时装表演

    33.   希望工程

    34.      我的时装设计

    35.   对…有益,

    36.      对…有好处

    37.   对…有害,

    38.      对…没有好处

    39.      参加时装表演

    40.      上个星期

    41.      看起来很神气

    42.      模特中的一个

    43.      那么我可以再睡十分钟。

    44.   我们都穿着20世纪不同时期的服装。

    45.      米莉作了一个关于运动鞋的很有意思的演讲。

    46.      运动鞋通常很舒服。

    47.      在时装表演期间每个人都玩得很开心。

    48.      我和家人一起吃饭。

    49.      然后鞋匠把我切成一只鞋子的形状。

    50.      我从棕色变成白色。

    51.      他把我送到一家商店。

    52.      这条围巾是什么做的?

    53.      我希望你今天玩得愉快。

    54.      他们配在一起看起来相当不错。

