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    Teaching Designs For Unit 8-课件教案

    作者:辛殿涛 阅读次数:1835

    :pyk741020 Teaching Designs For Unit 8
              < SPORTS>
    By Paul Pu
    ★.Reading skills:
    1. To read the text The Olympic Games
    2. To read the text For the love of the game
    ★Listening skills: To listen to Sports and Sports Stars
    ★Writing skills:
    1. To write about Sports star’s profile
    2. To write about Your favorite star
    ★Speaking skills:
    1. To speak about  Your Hobbies And Interests?
    2. To speak about The Olympic Games?
    3. To speak about  Sports And Sports Stars?
    4. To speak about What Will You Do?
    ● To make students know about common sense and talk about sports
    ● To make students know about come sense and talk about The Olympic Games
    ● To make students talk about their interests and hobbies, especially their favorite stars.
    ● To make students practice for the use of use The Future Passive Voice
    ● To make students talk about what will be done
    ● To make student write a sports star’s profile
    1. Texts in textbook
    2. Exercises in workbook
    1. A tape-recorder and some tapes
    2. A slide projector and some slides
    3. A computer and some VCD & DVD
    4. Some pictures and cards
    1. The text of the Olympic games
    2. The future passive voice
    3. Words and Expressions in Unit 8
    1. Writing about some favorite famous sports star
    2. Speaking about some hobbies and interests
    3. Listening to information about sports
    1. Discussing about some sports
    2. Talking about some favorite sports stars
    3. Making some cards about profiles of sports stars
    4. Talking about some hobbies and interests
    5. Guessing about some sports
    6. Questions & Answers
    7. Performing some sports
    8. Practicing for What Will Be Done
    Ⅷ TEACHING  PERIODS < periods 7>
    Period 1 Practice for speaking skills
    Period 2 Practice for reading skills
    Period 3 Practice for grammar drills
    Period 4 Practice for writing skills
    Period 5 Practicing for listening skills
    Period 6 Practice for review of unit 8
    Period 7 Practice for test of unit 8

    ※be worth doing/be worthy of doing <to do>      ※light the Olympic torch/ the international torch festival 
    ※in preparation for/be prepared to do            ※ have good and bad effects on  ※build a new bridge  
    ※tens of thousands of                          ※encourage children to take more exercise
    ※do one’s best/try one’s best                    ※ work hard to live his dream 
    ※improve the environment                     ※ at the opening / closing of    ※ congratulations    
    ※Summer Olympic Games <776BC--393AD—1896AD in July /October>
    ※Winter Olympic Games 1924—1994<February 
    ※the Olympic motto is “Faster , Higher, Stronger”.
    ※Provide something for somebody          ※because of/due to /owing to /thanks to / as result of
    ※host the Olympic games                  ※take part in / join in /participate in
    ※prefer … to …/prefer…rather than…      ※ every four years/every other year
    ※the same as/that                        ※ancient / modern times  
    ●Asking about interests and hobbies 
    ①Which do you like, … or …?         ②What’s your favorite sports?
    ③Which sport do you like best?        ④Which do you prefer, … or …?
    ⑤What about …?                    ⑥Are you interested in …?
    ●Possible answers
    ①Sure. I love sports.                 ②Yes, very much. / No. Not really.
    ③Shooting, I think.                  ④I like … best.
    ⑤I prefer … to …                   ⑥I’d rather watch it than play it.
    ⑦I like watching it.
    ⑴target/aim of Teaching            ⑵method of dealing  of Teaching
    ⑶ending of Teaching               ⑷preparing for lessons of Teaching
    ⑸living lessons in English of Teaching ⑹asking question of Teaching
    ⑺transition of Teaching             ⑻center/idea of Teaching
    ⑼developing/demanding of Teaching  ⑽moving round or about of Teaching
    ⑾transmittering of Teaching         ⑿consolidating of Teaching
    going-between of Teaching         ⒀end of Teaching
    ⒁musical rhythm of Teaching        ⒂handwriting of Teaching
    ⒃language of Teaching              ⒄process of Teaching
    ⒅effects of Teaching                ⒆the whole of Teaching

    <THE 2nd PERIOD>
    ◆ Type Of Lesson : READING IN UNIT 8 SPORTS
    ◆ Aim/Purpose OF Teaching
    ① Of Knowledge
    To make students know about THE OLYMPIC GAMES.
    ② Of Ability
    To make students know how to read materials on sports.
    ③ Of Affectivity
    To make students love our country and sports;
    To make students play fair in competitions.
    ④ Of Skills
    To make students know how to do exercises of reading.
    ⑤ Of Culture
    To make students know the differences between Chinese culture and Western culture.
    ◆ Teaching Demand
    ① to know about main idea of the text
    ② to learn some fixed phrases and sentences
    ③ to know about information on sports
    ◆ Teaching Content
    ☆ READING: The text of the Olympic games
    ☆ POST-READING: PartⅠ,Ⅱand Ⅲ.
    ◆ Main Points Of Teaching
    ① some fixed phrases
    ② some new words and expressions
    ③ main idea about THE OLYMPIC GAMES
    ◆ Teaching Key/Difficult Points
    ① to know about information of the Olympic games
    ② to analyze some difficult sentences
    ③ to grasp some attributive clauses in the text;
    ◆ Teaching Methods
    ① Visual-Listening method
    ② Listening –Reading method
    ◆ Teaching Aids
    ☆ A tape-recorder and some tapes
    ☆ A slide projector and some slides
    ☆ A computer and some VCD & DVD
    ☆ Some pictures and cards
    ◆ Resources For Teaching
    ☆ Reading material about sports from challenge on NMET
    ☆ Grammar practice about the attributive clauses on NMET
    ◆ Teaching Procedures
    ACTIVITIESSTEPS Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
    STEP 1 REVIEW< 8 minutes> 1. Greetings2. Asking Ss about interests and hobbies3. Asking Ss about items of sports4. Asking Ss <what are their favorite sports> 1. Ss answer Questions2. Ss guess what sports are <individual & collective>3. Ss tell their favorite sport one by one
    STEP 2 LEADING IN< 3 minutes> T: since we have so many favorite sports, how much do you know about some sports games?T: how much do you know about matches?<Show some pictures on sports><In computer and slides projector> Ss: the Asian games;The Olympic games;The school sports meeting;The provincial games, the disabled sportsman games, etc.Ss: the football match;The basketball match;The table tennis match, etc.
    STEP 3 PRESENTATION< 4 minutes> T: Today we can know about the biggest and largest games ----the Olympic games.T: Would you please tell something about it?T: what’s the Olympic motto?T: what the five rings stands for? Ss: the summer and winter Olympic games; every four years; every two years; the 29th summer Olympic games in Beijing; the year 776BC; in 1896; the 28th in Greece; the 27th in Sydney, Australia;The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.
    STEP 4FIRST LISTENING < 4 minutes> T: now listen to the tape, and answer the questionQ: what countries are mentioned in it? <Listening for general idea ><CHECK> Ss: <books closed only for listening >A: Greece, Australia, U.S.AChina <Sydney and Beijing Athens >
    STEP 5LISTENING& READING< 6 minutes> T: open your books, listen to it again and read after. Pay attention to the stress and intonation. Ss: < repeat><books open while listening>
    STEP 6 READING<Q & A><5minutes>  T: turn to page 53 and 54, look at POST-READING <PART 1 and 2>and answer the questions while you are reading the text. After that, to check answers. Ss: to read the text THE OLYMPIC GAMES in details to find the answers to the questions.
    STEP 7 READING For Language points< 5 minutes> T: to write down some points on Bba) Ancient timesb) Modern times c) The same as/thatd) Be allowed to do sth.e) Happen/take placef) Hold / hostg) Competitor/competitionh) Athletes/sportsmeni) Do their best/try their bestj) Success/succeed in doing k) Light the torch l) Take part in/join inm) Every four years★The attributive clauses★The future passive voice Ss: to write down notes and understand the text.Ss: summarize grammar
      ★The attributive clauses on Bb① Many of the sports were the same as they are now.② Some of the games in which the young men competed were…③ They were held in Greece – the country in which the Games were born.★The future passive voice on Bb① More trees will be planted and new roads will be built.② New buildings and sports venues will be built.③ The people of Beijing, and of the whole country , will be preparing to light the Olympic torch . .
     T: to explain these points and ask Ss to use them freely.
    STEP 8 RETELLING THE TEXT< 4 minutes> T: to ask Ss to read the text and retell the text. Ss: to read the text and retell it in summary.
    STEP 9DISCUSSION< 5 minutes> T: look at part 3 in post-reading to discuss Q: what good and bad effects hosting the Olympic Games can have? Check answers of Ss. Ss: discussion in groups.Ss sum up their opinions and write down on paper.The leader of every group will offer their opinions.
    STEP 10   HOMEWORK<1 minutes> T: tell Ss to review the text and preview.T: to do exercises 4 and 5 on page 129 in Workbook. Ss: remember homework.
    ◆Back Courting Of Teaching  
