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    地堡理念 >> 科技 .

    作者:程志强 阅读次数:4406




    In the new
    movie Panic Room, Jodie Foster barricades herself in a high-tech bunker
    inside her New York brownstone, while burglars try to get in


    movie apparently struck a chord with audiences, becoming the biggest
    Easter weekend opening in history, grossing a record $30 million. (If you
    haven't seen the movie but plan to, you may want to stop reading here
    because the experts reveal some details from the film.)


    panic rooms, which security companies actually call safe rooms, are
    becoming increasingly common in the homes of the rich, who fear they may
    be targets of stalkers, kidnappers, home invaders, assassins or


    have become something of a status symbol in posh areas like Los Angeles' Bel
    Air and Holmby Hills, where there are believed
    to be thousands of such rooms. The rooms range from the simple - a
    reinforced door with a phone and a fridge - to the elaborate, with video
    banks, computers, air-cleaning systems and even protection against
    bacterial warfare.

    Air和Holmby Hills这样的豪华区,他们已成为象征身份的标志,据说那儿有几千个这样的密室。有些结构简单,一扇加厚门,带有电话和电冰箱。有些结构复杂,配有电视银行、电脑、空气清新系统和防护细菌侵入的设备。

    wide variety of people and businesses are in the market for bunker-type
    rooms, said Bill Rigdon, the vice president of
    Building Consensus, a Los Angeles company that specializes in safe-room
    construction. Customers can choose features like "isolators"
    that tie into steel girders so if there is an explosion beneath the floor,
    it will still hold together. Safe rooms also come with pressure-resistant
    windows and Kevlar bulletproof panels that look like normal walls.


    Consensus副董事长Bill Rigdon说,许多个人和企业都在从事地堡型密室的生意。顾客们可以选择类似于插进钢梁的"隔离"装置,如果在地下发生爆炸,它能够顶住。安全密室还配有抗压窗和合成纤维防弹板,它们看上去像普通墙面。


    are anyone from wealthy Kuwaiti businessmen to celebrities, producers,
    directors, guys who head software companies and Fortune 500
    companies," Rigdon said. "They are
    attracted by the fact that they are safe in their homes."



    businesses are considering installing safe rooms too, as the rooms become
    the bomb shelters of the early 21st century. All government offices and
    buildings have something they consider a safe room where employees can be
    safe in the event of an emergency.


    Safe Are They?


    the movie, the "panic room" fails, but with today's technology,
    that should not happen, said Mark Llewellyn, a 27-year FBI veteran, now
    retired, who consults on security for Rigdon.


    room in the movie did not have the right set-up or security, Llewellyn
    said. "It is supposed to be just a safe place, and if it is prepared
    properly, it is just that," he said.


    can stay in a panic room as long as events warrant, whether it is a few
    minutes or a few days. "The idea is to be in control and to be
    unreachable," Llewellyn said. Some rooms have exits so that you can
    escape to safety, or the police can reach you to provide assistance.


    safe rooms include an independent phone line, a back-up generator, oxygen
    scrubbers to replenish the air supply, and closed-circuit television
    screens connected to computers. A joystick allows the safe room occupant
    to lock and unlock doors throughout the house to trap an intruder.




    Sept. 11, there was a flood of elaborate security requests amid panic
    about biological weaponry because of the anthrax scares, Rigdon
    said. As a result, Building Consensus redesigned its air filtration
    systems to combat a biological threat.


    provide dummy vents, so no one knows what vents to go into," Rigdon
    said. The company also provides wash stations that allow residents to get
    rid of any potentially harmful substance they may have been contaminated
    with. "They go in, pull a chain and are showered by a separate water
    system to wash away any possible biological materials."


    company has installed dummy electrical panels in homes and buildings to
    provide extra time in case someone is trying to cut power. They also offer
    very small, high-tech cameras - not like the big ones in the movie - that
    will give a 360-degree view of the perimeter of the home, and ham radio
    systems that operate even if cellular and satellite communications have
    been knocked out.


    elaborate panic room can cost anywhere from $50,000 to several hundred
    thousand dollars. But they can also be created on a low budget.


    can create a safe room in their own home by choosing a room they feel
    comfortable in, installing a reinforced door, and having a plan for what
    to do in a crisis," Rigdon said.
