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    新闻英语精解【9】美国出示新证据 - 新闻英语

    作者:ksld 阅读次数:4349



    Making a Case
    Powell Presents Tapes, Satellite Photos to Show Iraq Is Deceiving U.N.

    Secretary of State Colin Powell, relying on a stream of U.S. intelligence, urged the U.N. Security Council today to move against Saddam Hussein because Iraq has failed to disarm, harbors terrorists and hides behind a "web of lies."

    His presentation in the packed council chamber included satellite photographs, intercepted conversations between senior Iraqi officers and statements from informants that could make or break support for going to war to disarm Iraq.
    Russia, France, China and other council members skeptical of the need for a military confrontation now said they would review the evidence and demand answers from Baghdad. But they endorsed continued weapons inspections and diplomatic efforts to avert war.





    【本节要点】 make a case, disarm, harbor, present, make or break


    题目中,make a case, “give good arguments for, 提出充分的理由”:She made out a good case for lowering our prices. 她摆出了充分的理由,说明我们必须降低价格。
    路透社对此的报道题目是 U.S. gives case against Iraq ,意思差不多,case 都是“论据,理由,事实”的意思。
    而Make one’s case, 意思是“坚持自己的观点”, 如:Here are some tips on how to make your case to your boss. 下面是些关于如何向老板表明你自己观点的小窍门。
    Present, 这里的意思是“提出,呈递”,又如: When are the committee presenting their report? 委员会什么时候提出他们的报告?  其名词形式是presentation. 请看一例: The sales director will give a short presentation on the new sales campaign. 销售部董事将简要介绍一下这次新销售行动的情况。

    在正文第一节,a stream of intelligence中的stream 是比喻的说法,表示一连串的象水流一样的事物, 如: a stream of abuse 一连串的辱骂; streams of shoppers 购物者的人流 等等。Intelligence 除了有“智力,才能”的意思以外,还指“情报,信息”。大名鼎鼎的美国中央情报局(CIA)就是Central Intelligence Agency。 下面的 has failed to disarm… ,注意fail to , 它是正式或夸张的用法,如:I fail to see why you find it so amusing. 我弄不懂你们为什么对这件事感到如此好笑。其名词形式是 failure to do sth, 如:His failure to answer questions made the police suspicious. 他不能回答询问引起了警方的怀疑。  Harbor terrorists… 中的 harbor(也作harbour)是“窝藏、包庇”的意思,同时这个词还有“怀有…(尤指不好的)想法或感情”之意, 如: For years she harbored resentment against her stepmother. 多年来她对继母心怀怨恨。 

    第二节,intercept, “拦截,截住,截获”,如: We intercepted and decoded a secret message from their embassy. 我们截获并破译出他们大使馆发出的密电。
    Effective defense is a matter of intercepting enemy’s missiles before they can reach us. 有效的防卫是不待敌方的导弹击中我们而先行将其拦截。

    Informant, 也可以说 informer, “告密者,告发的人”。 Make or break , 意思是: be crucial in making sb/sth either a success or a failure, 为某人/某事成败的关键。 如:The council’s decision will make or break the local theatre. 政务委员会将要决定当地剧院的命运。 这个短语也可用作定语,如: It’s make-or-break time for the local theatre. 这是当地剧院存亡攸关的时刻。
