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    作者:龙11猫 阅读次数:2600

    Complications on U.S. Road to War


    【注释】complication, “使情况更加复杂或困难的事物”: A further complication was Fred's refusal to travel by air. 更麻烦的是弗雷德不肯坐飞机。 而复数形式的complications,是“并发症”的意思,如:Complications set in, and the patient died. 病人因出现并发症而死亡。

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - On the verge of war in Iraq, the Bush administration finds its goals complicated by its own uncompromising approach as it builds a legacy that could do long-term damage to NATO, the United Nations and U.S. leadership, diplomats and analysts say.

    【参考译文】华盛顿(路透社)- 外交官和分析人士表示,在对伊开战一触即发之际,布什政府发现这一目标已被自身毫不退让的行事方式弄得错综复杂起来,而此时美国政府的所做所为会对北约、联合国和美国的领导地位造成长期的损害。

    【注释】on the verge of: 在某事即将发生之际。类似的表达还有 on the brink of, on the edge of, on the threshold of, on the point of (doing something). uncompromising, “不妥协的, 不让步的, 强硬的”: uncompromising stand/beliefs, 坚定的立场/信仰。 legacy, “遗产,遗留物”,这里是着眼于对日后的影响,所以用了这个字眼。

    Such criticism, made in the heat of rhetorical struggle over Iraq policy and vigorously rejected by administration officials, could well be revised if war against Baghdad is quick and reasonably successful.


    【注释】heat, “the most intense or active stage,最强烈或最活跃的阶段”: He tried to take the heat out of the situation. 他竭力让局面缓和下来。 rhetorical, “辞藻华丽的,虚夸的”:Don't be so rhetorical - just tell us what you mean in plain English. 不要这么夸张,就用平实的英语告诉我们你的意思。 相应的名词形式是rhetoric,“浮夸之词,华丽辞藻”:The politician's speech was full of empty rhetoric. 这位政治家的演讲满是空洞无物的华丽言辞。

    But as it works to maximize world support in the countdown to military action against Saddam Hussein and to isolate North Korea, the United States finds itself nearly as much on the defensive as the "axis of evil" regimes it seeks to curtail.


    【注释】maximize, “使最大化”,其反义词是 minimize,“使最小化”。 countdown, “倒计时”,引申为“准备工作,准备过程”,这里的翻译还是采用了形象的“倒计时”,注意这个词常和介词to连用。 on the defensive ,“expecting to be attacked or criticized 进行防御,采取守势”:Talk about boy-friends always puts her on the defensive. 一谈到男朋友,她总是戒心十足。 curtail, “缩短,削减”,这里用的是比喻义。


    NATO Secretary-General George Robertson said the dispute over whether to give Turkey equipment to defend itself against Iraq showed alliance disarray but was not a mortal blow.


    【注释】disarray, "杂乱的状态;混乱",与之意义相近的有 disorder, confusion, chaos, muddle, huddle, snarl等。

    Kupchan (European expert) was more pessimistic, doubting NATO would survive the crisis and warning that Washington's failure to win U.N. support for military action would be a "historical turning point that would ... deal a powerful blow to the U.N., (erode) the West as a coherent political entity … and risk the United States' international political legitimacy."


    【注释】deal a blow to sb/sth, 打击某人/某事物:  The latest trade figures have dealt a severe blow to hopes of an early economic recovery. 最新的贸易数字对尽早复苏经济的期望是个严重的打击。  legitimacy, “正当,合理性,合法性”,其形容词形式是legitimate,它还有“合法婚姻所生的”之意,所以“私生儿”就是 illegitimate child.
