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    新闻英语精解【18】 DNA双螺旋分子结构发现50周年 - 新闻英语

    作者:刘清涛 阅读次数:8234


    Happy Birthday,Double Helix

    Flash of Insight Ignited Biological Revolution


    【注释】flash of insight, “突然领悟”. 又,a sudden flash of inspiration/wit, 灵感/机智的闪现。 Ignite, 点燃,引发,这里是比喻用法。

    Fifty years ago this month, on a foggy Saturday morning in Cambridge, England, a 24-year-old beanpole of an American scientist (Watson) sat down with a few white cardboard cutouts and set off a revolution in biology.


    【注释】beanpole, “非常高且瘦的人”。这里的of 表示同位关系,即前后是同一个人。Set off, “引起,导致”,同前面的ignite意思相近,如:The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots. 法庭对这名警官的初审判决引起了严重的骚乱。

    The DNA molecule is a double helix, resembling a ladder that's been twisted along its length. Each "rung" is made up of two bases, paired according to the rule that jumped out at Watson from his desktop. These bases provide the genetic code; just as a four-letter alphabet could spell out words, the sequence of the four kinds of bases along the length of the DNA molecule spells out the information stored in genes.


    【注释】along its length, “沿着它延伸的方向”。 Jump out at Watson, 拟人的说法,可以翻译为“突然想出”。Spell out, “to make perfectly clear and understandable,使十分清楚明白”:The government has so far refused to spell out its policies.政府到目前为止拒绝解释其政策。

    The finding unleashed a torrent of research into DNA that's still going on, both to understand how it works and to put it to use. Many of today's scientific headlines — the deciphering of the DNA of humans and other species, the transplanting of genes into animals and crops to change their traits, the use of gene therapy to treat disease, the DNA evidence that exonerates people imprisoned unjustly — ultimately came from the double helix discovery.

    【参考译文】这一发现导致了大量有关DNA的、目前仍在进行的研究, 这些研究致力于理解DNA的活动机理以及如何应用对它的认识。许多今日科学界的热门话题,诸如人类和其他物种的DNA密码破解,将基因移植到动物或植物体内以改变其生物特征,应用基因疗法治疗疾病以及依靠DNA证据使被错误监禁的人恢复清白,都最终源自双螺旋分子结构的发现。

    【注释】unleash, “释放,发动”,和前面的ignite, set off意思接近。Decipher, “解读,破译”,其近义词有decode, break, crack, cryptanalyze, decrypt等,它的反义词是cipher, “将…写成密码”。 Exonerate, “免除(对某人的)责备,决定(某人)无罪”:The report on the accident exonerates the company from any responsibility. 这次事故的报告确定该公司无须负任何责任。

    The DNA story is far from over. Scientists are still working out the details of how DNA is replicated so quickly and accurately — an astonishing feat, since each human cell contains billions of base pairs lined up along nearly six feet of DNA, all packed into a nucleus only one-twentieth the width of a human hair.


    【注释】feat, “业绩,功绩”:a remarkable feat of engineering, 一项了不起的工程业绩。 Line up, “排列,派布”,还表示“组织,准备好”,如:We’ve lined up Pavarotti for the main role in the opera. 我们邀请了帕瓦罗蒂在歌剧中担任主角。 又lineup, 阵容,阵形: a candidate with an impressive lineup of endorsements,一位具有大量支持者的候选人。
