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    新闻英语精解【8】梵蒂冈评“新时代运动” - 新闻英语

    作者:田永标 阅读次数:4568



    Vatican Weighs In on New Age Movement
    Vatican Study on New Age Movement Says Some Aspects Positive, but Not Replacement for Religion

    The Vatican weighed in Monday on feng shui, crystals and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius in a new document designed to address whether you can still be a good Christian while taking yoga class.

    "A Christian Reflection on the 'New Age,'" doesn't give many absolute answers. But while saying some positive things about the New Age movement, it warns that New Agers' quest for spirituality and inner peace can't take the place of true Christian religion.

    And it highlights some core differences between New Age and Christian thought, particularly regarding the concepts of God, Jesus and sin.

    ─ 一项梵蒂冈有关“新时代运动”的研究称其有积极的方面,但并不能将基督教信仰取而代之




    【本节要点】:weigh in, quest, highlight
    在题目中,请注意 New Age Movement 一词,在《美国传统词典》上有关的释义是:Of or relating to a complex of spiritual and consciousness-raising movements of the 1980's covering a range of themes from a belief in spiritualism and reincarnation to advocacy of holistic approaches to health and ecology. 新时代的属于或关于20世纪80年代兴起的混杂精神和意识自我觉醒的运动。它涉及了一系列主题。这些主题上至唯灵论和灵魂轮回说中的信仰,下至关于对健康和生态整体认识的探讨的拥护。作为参照,再请看《新牛津大词典》对其的解释:a broad movement characterized by alternative approaches to traditional Western culture, with an interest in spirituality, mysticism, holism, and environmentalism. 一场广泛的以另类方式实践传统西方文化的运动,它对灵性、神秘主义、整体论和环境保护主义怀有浓厚兴趣。明白了什么是New Age Movement, 再来看 weigh in 这个短语。它的意思是 to join in a discussion or argument by saying something important or convincing. (在讨论、辩论等)提出重要的、令人信服的论点,常与with 搭配。例如: He weighed in with some fresh information to prove the point. 他提出新的资料来证实这个论点。 前面的翻译稍做了变通。
    副标题中的replacement, 代替物。又如: Please find a replacement for Sue while she is ill. 苏珊生病时请找个代她工作的人。

    第一段中,feng shui 是由汉语音译过去的,就是我们所熟知的看风水、阴阳宅之类的迷信活动。Crystals, 是指水晶球占卜术(crystal gazing)。Aquarius, 宝瓶座,在南半球赤道区邻近双鱼座及天鹰座的一星, 还指宝瓶宫,占星术黄道带黄道十二宫的第11宫。Address, to deal with, 处理。如:There’s still a fundamental problem to be addressed. 还有一个重要问题需要处理。 Yoga, 瑜珈, 瑜珈修行术。

    接下来,reflection, 意为“沉思,思考”,本意是“被反映之物,映象”。比如:
    He was lost in reflection. 他陷入沉思中。
    The table is so polished that one can see his reflection in its top. 桌子檫的亮极了,可以在桌面上看见人影。
    Absolute, 绝对的,完全的。 Quest, 探寻,探求。又如: They traveled in quest of gold. 他们为寻找黄金而长途跋涉。 此外,还有“探险(expedition)”之意。 例如:the quest for the Holy Grail. 追求圣杯而历险。

    最后一段中, highlight, 意为“To make prominent; to emphasize. 使…显得重要;强调”。请看: The senator’s speech highlighted the need for reduced tariffs. 参议员的讲话强调了降低关税的必要。 这个词也可以作为名词使用,意为“最精彩的部分”,如: Your performance is the highlight of the show. 你的表演在这场演出中最引人注目。 最后告诉大家,在基督教教义中的七宗大罪(deadly sin, or cardinal sin)分别是:(1)vainglory, or pride , 自大 ;(2)covetousness, 贪婪;(3)lust, 淫欲;(4)envy, 嫉妒;(5)gluttony, 暴食;(6)anger, 嗔怒;(7)sloth, 懒惰。
