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    新闻英语精解 【21】 美国电影人奋起反盗版 - 新闻英语

    作者:傅暂程 阅读次数:2809


    Moviemakers Mount Ad Effort to Thwart Piracy


    【注释】moviemaker, “电影制片商,或从事影片生产的专业人员”. 相应的,car maker 即汽车制造商。mount, “发起,发动”:The opposition is getting ready to mount a powerful attack on the government. 反对派已经准备好对政府发动一次有力的攻击。 mount 本意是“骑上(马),蹬上(脚踏车)”: He mounted his bicycle and rode away. 他骑上脚踏车走了。因此mounted police 就是“骑警”。进一步引申为“走上,爬上”:He mounted the platform and began to speak to the assembled crowd. 他走上讲台,开始向聚集的人群演讲。而 mount the throne就表示(国王)“登基,即位”,这里和ascend 同义。 ad 是 advertisement “广告”的缩写。thwart, “挫败,阻挠”:My holiday plans have been thwarted by the strike. 我度假的计划因罢工而受阻。其近义词有 frustrate, foil, baffle, balk 等。piracy,“盗版行为”, pirate, 名词为“海盗,盗版者”,动词为“盗版”。

    LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Warning that digital piracy threatens the movie industry at the peak of its prosperity, U.S. film studios and theater owners on Wednesday announced an ad campaign intended to convince would-be pirates that copying and swapping movies costs jobs.

    【参考译文】拉斯维加斯(路透社)- 在本周三发布的一部宣传片中,美国电影业工作者和影院业主们警告说数字盗版活动已危及正处于巅峰状态的电影产业,这部宣传片目的在于说服可能的盗版者,拷贝和交换影片会导致大量的失业。

    【注释】digital, “数字的,用数字表示的”:a digital recording, 数字式记录。digitize, “使数字化”。peak, “顶峰”:We saw a victory by an athlete at the very peak of her fitness and career. 我们目睹了由一位身体和职业生涯均处在顶峰的选手取得的胜利。 Prosperity, “繁荣”:The war was followed by a long period of peace and prosperity. 战后是长期的和平和繁荣时期。 swap, “交换,以物易物”:I swapped three of my foreign stamps for three of hers. 我用三张外国邮票换她的三张邮票。

    In a public service announcement to be aired in theaters nationwide, a wide range of industry workers from costume makers to concessionaires argue that the increasingly popular practice of swapping movies over the Internet endangers a business employing tens of thousands.


    【注释】air, “to broadcast on television or radio,播放,播送”:a television interview to be aired this evening, 今晚要播出的一次电视采访。 concessionaire, “the holder or operator of a concession.特许权获得者”。 argue, “maintain, contend, 坚持,主张”:The speaker argued that more immigrants should be admitted to the country.讲演者举出理由证明应该允许更多的移民入境。


    The Motion Picture Association of America, which represents Hollywood's major studios, estimates that fans are downloading 400,000 to 600,000 digital movies every day on the Internet -- a worrying number for an industry that has watched the music business pushed to the brink by an earlier surge in file-swapping.


    【注释】studio, “电影制片厂,电影制片公司”:Some of Hollywood’s leading studios are interested in signing her. 好莱屋的一些大制片公司都有兴趣与她签约。 studio 还指“画室,雕塑室,摄影室,照相馆等”。

    Filmmakers have yet to suffer the same fate because the time to download movie files is prohibitive on older dial-up computers and the storage required for video files is huge. But as new, high-speed broadband connections are installed and as the price of PC storage drops, moviemakers are increasingly concerned about becoming the pirates' next victims.


    【注释】prohibitive, “tending to prohibit or restrain, dicouraing, forbidding, 禁止的,抑制的,令人望而却步的”:prohibitive prices,令人望而却步的价格; the prohibitive favorite to win the nomination,得到绝大多数投票获得提名。
